####################################################################### Title: Details about the hlfreeze/hl-headnut/csdos/"Born to be pig" bugs Author: Luigi Auriemma e-mail: aluigi@autistici.org web: aluigi.org ####################################################################### This short text is an idea I have had during the patching of the so called csdos.pl bug since there were a lot of things unclear. I will try to be much clear as I can... but I already know I will fail eh eh eh. I will refer specifically to csdos (found and released by Firestorm in the 2006) but the problem is the SAME of hlfreeze/hl-headnut (found by Delikon in the far 2003) with the following differences: - csdos works also versus servers protected by password - csdos works also versus recent versions since hlfreeze/hl-headnut was fixed "after" version - they use two different ways for reaching the piece of code which enters in endless loop, csdos an additional backslash while hlfreeze/hl-headnut the absence of player informations - hlfreeze/hl-headnut is older 8-) The following are the links to the code about I refer: http://aluigi.org/fakep/hlfill.zip (can test both the attacks) http://packetstormsecurity.org/0304-exploits/hl-headnut.c http://downloads.securityfocus.com/vulnerabilities/exploits/csdos.pl First a small info for understanding the functions about I refer. The connection string is the data sent by the client to the server and which starts with the usual "˙˙˙˙connect" header. Info_ValueForKey is a function used for reading a specific value from a connection string though its parameter name, example: \parameter\value\parameter\value\...\parameter\value Info_SetValueForKey does the "write" operation, if the string already contains a parameter with the same name it will be deleted and the new one will be appended to string. Info_ValueForKey reads, Info_SetValueForKey writes, stop. The effect of the bug is visible through an endless loop in the function SV_CheckForDuplicateNames which has the job of looking for duplicated player names when a new client joins and adds a number in front to his name if another homonym already exists. This function should look "similar" (I have not tested it and I can't know if it's the same) to the following code: duplicated = 0; val = (char *)Info_ValueForKey (cl->userinfo, "name"); while (1) { for (i=0, client = svs.clients ; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++, client++) { if ( !client->active || !client->spawned || client == cl) continue; if (!Q_stricmp(client->name, val)) break; } if( i < MAX_CLIENTS) { p = val; if (val[0] == '(') { if (val[2] == ')') p = val + 3; else if (val[3] == ')') p = val + 4; } snprintf(newname, sizeof( newname ), "(%d)%-0.*s", dupc++, 28, p); Info_SetValueForKey (cl->userinfo, "name", newname, MAX_INFO_STRING); val = (char *)Info_ValueForKey (cl->userinfo, "name"); duplicated = 1; } else { break; } } return duplicated; As already said here is where we see the effect of the problem but the bug is located somewhere else. When a client joins the server this one reads his name with Info_ValueForKey, if the name is not available in the connection string (Info_ValueForKey returns "") the client will be kicked with an error message, while if it's invalid will be replaced by "unnamed". Then the nick (unnamed or the original one) will be readded to the string with Info_SetValueForKey. Now take a look here: original connection string: ˙˙˙˙connect 47 12345678 "\prot\2\unique\0\raw\00000000000000000000000000000000" "\name\mynickname\topcolor\0" after Info_SetValueForKey: ˙˙˙˙connect 47 12345678 "\prot\2\unique\0\raw\00000000000000000000000000000000" "\topcolor\0\name\mynickname" OK, now redo the same operation with a backslash char appended to our (we are the client/attacker) original connection string: original connection string: ˙˙˙˙connect 47 12345678 "\prot\2\unique\0\raw\00000000000000000000000000000000" "\name\mynickname\topcolor\0\" after Info_SetValueForKey: ˙˙˙˙connect 47 12345678 "\prot\2\unique\0\raw\00000000000000000000000000000000" "\topcolor\0\\name\mynickname" the additional backslash char is WRONG because it "says" that a new parameter is beginning but in reality there is nothing and Info_ValueForKey returns "" if it handles a string with a malformed format like this one. So the first check made by the server at the beginning of the connection has been bypassed since the nickname seems to exist but the subsequent operations on the string will fail and will lead to the endless loop which freezes the server. At least two players with the same "empty" name are needed for exploiting this bug since the server must enter in the second part of the SV_CheckForDuplicateNames function. UPDATE 28 Dec 2007 ------------------ "Born to be pig" is another bug (http://euro.ucoz.ru/cs-exploit.zip found by .FUF) ever caused by the presence of at least two players from the same attacker but this time the problem is exploitable through the inserting of two dots ".." in the name of the player. These dots cause the freezing of the server because the second player which uses the same identical name of the first one (like myname..xxx) is not correctly handled by the server. When two players have the same name the server substituites the name of the new player with (number)nickname where number is a sequential number depending by the amount of players using the same name (in a perfect world this number should never go over "max players - 1"). So the server calls Info_SetValueForStarKey for substituiting the name of the second player with (number)nickname BUT Info_SetValueForStarKey has some checks which avoid the usage of some bad chars like the dotdot sequence usually used for directory traversal attacks: void Info_SetValueForStarKey ( char *s, const char *key, const char *value, int maxsize ) { char news[1024], *v; int c; if (strstr (key, "\\") || strstr (value, "\\") ) { return; } if (strstr (key, "..") || strstr (value, "..") ) { Con_Printf ("Can't use keys or values with a ..\n"); return; } if (strstr (key, "\"") || strstr (value, "\"") ) { return; } if (strlen(key) > MAX_KV_LEN || strlen(value) > MAX_KV_LEN) { return; } ... So the name will be not changed and when the function will redo the checks again to see if the current (number)nickname is in use by another player (like (1)myname..xxx) it will get the current name which is not (number)nickname but still the same unchanged old one. And this cycle will continue forever freezing the entire server. #######################################################################