################################################################### QuickBMS by Luigi Auriemma e-mail: me@aluigi.org web: aluigi.org home: http://quickbms.com help: http://zenhax.com ################################################################### 1) Introduction 2) Usage 3) Reimporting the extracted files 4) How to create scripts (for developers only!) 5) Experimental input, output and other features 6) Notes 7) Support 8) Additional credits ################################################################### =============== 1) Introduction =============== QuickBMS is a multiplatform extractor engine programmed through some simple instructions contained in textual scripts, it's intended for extracting files and information from the archives and files of any software and, moreover, games. The script language used in QuickBMS is an improvement of MexScript documented here: http://wiki.xentax.com/index.php/BMS QuickBMS is FULLY compatible with that original syntax and all the scripts that were created here: http://forum.xentax.com/viewtopic.php?t=1086 QuickBMS also supports most of the WCX plugins of Total Commander: http://www.totalcmd.net/directory/packer.html http://www.ghisler.com/plugins.htm The original BMS language has been improved for: - removing implied fields, like the file number in some commands - adding new commands, like Encryption - adding new behaviors and features, like negative GoTo These improvements allow QuickBMS to work with tons of simple and complex formats and even doing tasks like modifying files, creating new files with headers, converting files and reimporting the extracted files back in their original archives. The tool is open source under the GPL 2.0 license and works on Windows, Linux and MacOSX, on both little and big endian platforms like Intel (littlen endian) and PPC (big endian). You can distribute the original quickbms.exe file as you desire but reusing its source code and/or modifying it may require the same or compatible open source license. The official homepage of QuickBMS with all the scripts I have written from 2009 till now is (they are just links to the same website): http://quickbms.com \ http://quickbms.aluigi.org \ http://aluigi.altervista.org/quickbms.htm \ http://aluigi.zenhax.com/quickbms.htm (rarely updated) There is also an official forum where it's provided support for QuickBMS and help with file formats, it's also a very good and friendly free community for reverse engineering game files: https://zenhax.com QuickBMS is perfect for those tasks in which you need a quick way to extract information from files and at the same time you would like to reinject them back without writing a standalone tool to do both the extraction and rebuilding jobs. This is particularly useful if you have 100 different types of archives to analyze (reverse engineering), parsing and then sharing your tools with your community. It's more easy to do that with some lines of text pasted on a forum or pastebin rather than writing 100 different standalone extraction tools plus other 100 standalone rebuilders. ------------------------------------------------------------------- For Linux and MacOSX users there is a Makefile in the src folder, the only requirements are openssl, zlib and bzip2 while the optional components are mcrypt and tomcrypt (uncomment the line near the end of the Makefile to enable them). If your distro supports apt-get and you have problems during the usage of "make", try the following: apt-get install gcc g++ zlib1g-dev libssl-dev unicode In case of problems on 64bit versions of Linux, try also to append a ":i386" to the previous dependencies, like: apt-get install libssl-dev:i386 MacOSX users need to read the simple instructions written in the Makefile, just few steps for being able to compile QuickBMS easily without problems, anyway maybe try a "make" first because from version 0.8.1 it was rewritten to work easily. Updated static builds for Linux x86 and MacOSX are available on http://aluigi.altervista.org/quickbms.htm#builds Feel free to contact me in case of problems or just post on https://zenhax.com ################################################################### ======== 2) Usage ======== Simple and quick: - double-click on quickbms.exe - select the script for the type of archive you want to extract, for example zip.bms if it's a zip file. - select the input archive or multiple files. you can also select a whole folder by entering in it and then typing * (or "" on systems before Windows 7) in the "File name:" field, and then select Open. You can even use * to set wildcards, for example *.txt or *required_name* or prefix*suffix - select the output folder where extracting the files. you can specify any filename, it will be ignored because only the current selected directory is taken - watch the progress status of the extraction and the final message That's the simple "GUI" usage but QuickBMS can do various other things when launched from the console, in fact it supports many command-line options for advanced users and for who writes the scripts. You can view all the available options simply launching QuickBMS from command-line ("cmd.exe" on Windows) without arguments. The following is the current list of options: Usage: quickbms.exe [options] [output_folder] Options: -l list the files without extracting them -f W filter the files to extract using the W wildcards separated by comma or semicolon, example -f "{}.mp3,{}.txt;{}myname{}" if the filter starts with ! it's considered an ignore/exclusion filter, if .txt it's read as text file with multiple filters, * and {} are same example: quickbms -f "{}.mp3;!{}.ogg" script.bms archive.dat output example: quickbms -f myfilters_list.txt script.bms archive.dat use {} instead of * to avoid issues on Windows, multiple -f are ok too -F W as above but works only with the files in the input folder (if used) example: quickbms -F "{}.dat" script.bms input_folder output_folder -o overwrite the output files without confirmation if they already exist -k keep the current files if already exist without asking (skip all) -K automatically rename the output files if duplicates already exist -r experimental reimport option that should work with many archives: quickbms script.bms archive.pak output_folder modify the needed files in output_folder and maybe remove the others quickbms -w -r script.bms archive.pak output_folder you MUST read section 3 of quickbms.txt before using this feature, use -r -r for the alternative and better REIMPORT2 mode use -r -r -r for REIMPORT3 that shrinks/enlarges archive if no offset -u check if there is a new version of QuickBMS available -i generate an ISO9660 file instead of extracting every file, the name of the ISO image will be the name of the input file or folder -z exactly as above but it creates a ZIP file instead of an ISO image Advanced options: -d automatically create an additional output folder with the name of the input folder and file processed, eg. models/mychar/mychar.arc/*, -d works also if input and output folders are the same (rename folder) -D like -d but without the folder with the filename, eg. models/mychar/* -E automatically reverse the endianess of any input file by simply reading each field and writing the reversed value, each Get produces a Put -c quick list of basic BMS commands and some notes about this tool -S CMD execute the command CMD on each file extracted, you must specify the #INPUT# placeholder which will be replaced by the name of the file example: -S "lame.exe -b 192 -t --quiet #INPUT#" -Y automatically answer yes to any question -O F redirect the concatenated extracted files to output file F, data is appended if file F exists, optional F extensions supported: TAR -s SF add a script file or command before the execution of the input script, useful if an archive uses a different endianess or encryption and so on SF can be a script or directly the bms instruction you want to execute -. don't terminate QuickBMS if there is an error while parsing multiple files (like wrong compression or small file), just continue with the other files in the folder; useful also in rare cases in reimport mode Debug and experimental options: -v verbose debug script information, useful for verifying possible errors -V alternative verbose info, useful for programmers and formats debugging -q quiet, no *log information -Q very quiet, no information displayed except the Print command -L F dump the offset, size and name of the extracted files into the file F -x use the hexadecimal notation in myitoa (debug) -0 no extraction of files, useful for testing a script without using space -R needed for programs that act as interface for QuickBMS and in batch -a S pass arguments to the input script that will take the names quickbms_arg1, quickbms_arg2, quickbms_arg3 and so on, note they are handled as arguments so pay attention to spaces and commas, eg: -a "arg1 \"arg 2\", arg3" -a arg1 -a "\"arg 2\"" -a arg3 a full backup of the whole -a options is on the var quickbms_arg -H experimental HTML hex viewer output, use it only with very small files! -X experimental hex viewer output on the console (support Less-like keys) -9 toggle XDBG_ALLOC_ACTIVE (enabled) -8 toggle XDBG_ALLOC_INDEX (enabled) -7 toggle XDBG_ALLOC_VERBOSE (disabled) -6 toggle XDBG_HEAPVALIDATE (disabled) -3 execute an INT3 before each CallDll, compression and encryption -I toggle variable names case sensitivity (default insensitive) -M F experimental compare and merge feature that allows to compare the extracted files with those located in the folder F, currently this experimental option will create files of 0 bytes if they are not different, so it's not simple to identify what files were written -Z input file cleaner, in reimport mode replaces all archived files with zeroes, no matter if they exist or not in the folder, will be all zeroed -P CP set the codepage to use (default utf8), it can be a number or string -T do not delete the TEMPORARY_FILE at the end of the process -N decimal names for files without a name: 0.dat instead of 00000000.dat -e ignore the compression errors and dump the (wrong) output data anyway, in reimport2 it disables the compression of the files (experimental) -J all the constant strings are considered Java/C escaped strings (cstring) -B debug option dumping all the non-parsed content of the open files, the data will be saved in the output folder as QUICKBMS_DEBUG_FILE* -W P experimental web API (P is the port) and pipe/mailslot IPC interface -t N experimental tree-view of the extracted/listed files where N is: 0:text1, 1:text2, 2:text3, 3:json1, 4:json2, 5:web, 6:dos, 7:ls -U [S] list of available compression algorithms, use S for searching names -# in reimport mode checks if the archived files and those to reimport are the same (hash), it's useful if you didn't remove the unmodified files -j force UTF16 output in some functions, for example with SLog -b C use C (char or hex) as filler in reimporting if the new file is smaller, by default it's used space in SLog and 0 for Log and CLog -y F experimental debug output to file F, supported formats on file extension json, csv, yaml, c/java and so on Features and security activation options: -w enable the write mode required to write physical input files with Put* -C enable the usage of CallDll without asking permission -n enable the usage of network sockets -p enable the usage of processes -A enable the usage of audio device -g enable the usage of video graphic device -m enable the usage of Windows messages -G force the GUI mode on Windows, it's automatically enabled if you double-click on the QuickBMS executable Remember that the script and the input archive/folder are ever REQUIRED and they must be specified at the end of the command-line. The following is an example for listing all the mp3 files from the input archive: quickbms -l -f "{}.mp3" zip.bms myfile.zip quickbms -l -f "{}.mp3;{}.ogg" zip.bms myfile.zip quickbms -l -f "{}.mp3;{}.ogg,{}filename{}" zip.bms myfile.zip quickbms -l -f file_containing_the_filters.txt zip.bms myfile.zip (file_containing_the_filters.txt has one filter per each line) So -l for listing the files without extracting them, and -f for filtering the archived files. Regarding the -f and -F options it's worth to note that both * and {} are accepted as wildcards because the first pattern may be interpreted by the Windows console (my suggestion is to use ever {} to avoid problems). QuickBMS supports also a folder as input which means that with a single command it's possible to unpack all the archives of a whole game directly using QuickBMS. Imagine to use the zip.bms script with all the zip files located in the Program Files folder: quickbms -F "{}.zip" zip.bms "c:\Program Files (x86)" c:\outfolder Note: as said before, sometimes Windows doesn't like the * char even if used between quotes, so in case of problems with "*.zip" you can use {} instead of *, for example "{}.zip" Except for -l, -f, -F and maybe -o and -s options, the others are intended for debugging, or they are special features or switches to enable/disabe some internals, so they should be ignored by the common users. If output_folder is omitted, the current directory is used. From version 0.9.1, if output_folder is "", the same direcotyr of input file (or each file in case of input folder) is used. If the extraction with a particular script is too slow or scanning a folder takes too much memory and time try using the -9 option that disables the memory protection. You can apply these options directly in a shortcut to quickbms.exe in the Target field of its properties, so you can use the double-click "GUI" method and all the command-line options you desire without using the command-line. In the quickbms.zip package you can also see quickbms_4gb_files.exe (previously known as quickms64_test.exe) which is an "experimental" version that uses 64bit numbers instead of the original 32 bits: - it supports archives and files bigger than 4 gigabytes - it may have problems to work with "some" scripts - it's a native 32bit software so it works on both Windows 32 & 64 - it's experimental and partially supported, problems like crashes and incorrect math operations may happen often in some scripts ------------------------------------------------------------------- Advanced users could find useful also these specific options: -d Automatically creates a folder with the name of the input file where placing all the files, it's useful if you have many small archives containing the same filenames and need to separate the extracted files without overwriting or renaming them. -E If you have a bms script that simply reads a file format, you can change the endianess of all its numeric fields on the fly by simply using this option. For example if you have a "get SIZE long" a 32bit number will be read as usual and additionally it will be reversed (0x11223344 to 0x44332211 or viceversa) and placed at the same location. Remember that you need to specify also the -w option with physical files, alternatively you can save the whole file in a memory file and then dumping it so that -w is not necessary. With this option is really trivial to convert the endianess of files between different platforms, like Xbox 360 and PC. ################################################################### ================================== 3) Reimporting the extracted files ================================== QuickBMS is mainly an extraction tool, but it supports also the -r option that converts the tool in a simple reimporter/reinjector and so it may be useful for modding or translating a game. The idea consists of being able to reimport ("injecting back") the modified files in the original archives without editing the script, just reusing the same bms scripts that already exist! ------------------------------------------------------------------- Using this feature is really trivial and the following is a step-by-step example: - Make a backup copy of the original archive! - Extract the files or only those you want to modify (-f option) as you do normally via the GUI (double-click on quickbms.exe) OR via command-line like the following example: quickbms script.bms archive.pak output_folder - Modify the extracted files leaving their size unchanged or smaller than before. I suggest to delete the files that have not been modified so that the reimporting process will be faster and safer. In the folder leave only the files you modified. Remember that their size must be smaller/equal than the original! - Reimport the files in the archive via the GUI by clicking on the file called "reimport.bat" OR via command-line: quickbms -w -r script.bms archive.pak output_folder - Test the game with the modified archive Remember that you can use the GUI for the reimporting procedure, just click on "reimport.bat" found in the quickbms package, it contains the command: quickbms.exe -G -w -r. IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT "REIMPORT2" MODE From version 0.8.2 QuickBMS started to implement an additional alternative reimport mode enabled by using -r twice like: quickbms -w -r -r script.bms archive.pak output_folder or reimport2.bat This mode can be used with many formats and offers the following advantages: - no size limits with the imported files, the bigger files will be inserted (appended) at the end of the archive - the fields "offset", "size" and "compressed size" are rewritten by matching the new imported file, that's useful with various size-dependent compression algorithms like lz4 The reimport2 method doesn't work if: - the TOC is compressed or located on a MEMORY_FILE - the TOC/magic is (relatively) located at the end of the archive - the content is sequential, so there is no offset - the 3 fields mentioned above are very different than those originally read from the TOC, in this mode only one maximum "math" operation is allowed on the variable which means that the following example works: get OFFSET long ; math OFFSET * 0x800 ; log NAME OFFSET SIZE while this example produces an incorrect OFFSET field: get OFFSET long ; math OFFSET * 0x800 ; math OFFSET + BASE_OFF ; log NAME OFFSET SIZE the same is valid for the size fields too, anyway note that "offset" is rewritten only if the new file is bigger than before - the game strictly trusts the original size of the archive and ignores data appended to it, for example some archives may have a field in the TOC that specifies the size of the archive - SLog is implemented but may not work with some archives - the archive is subject to other limits described below, excluded the advantages listed before From version 0.10.0 QuickBMS has an additional mode called REIMPORT3, it's identical to REIMPORT2 with the only difference that the archive is shrinked or enlarged if there is no offset field used in the archive and the size of the input file differs than the original. This method "may" be useful with some language files and some archives with sequential data. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Another example: - First step, use QuickBMS as usual: archive.pak -> file1.txt -> file2.dat -> file3.jpg - Second step: - delete file1.txt and file2.dat - modify file3.jpg, for example adding a "smile" in it - save file3.jpg and be sure that it's size is SMALLER or EQUAL than the original - Third step, clink on the reimport.bat file provided in quickbms and select the SAME file and output folder you selected in the first step: archive.pak <- file1.txt (doesn't exist so it's not reimported) <- file2.dat (doesn't exist so it's not reimported) <- file3.jpg (successfully reimported) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Some important notes about this particular reimporting process: - you CANNOT increase the size of the files you want to reimport, so the new files must be smaller or equal than the original ones. - the reimport process of compressed files may be very slow in some cases, for example with zlib, deflate, lzma and few others that are optimized to use less space as possible at cost of time. zlib/deflate is particular slow because QuickBMS uses different solutions to reduce the size as much as possible. - for the maximum compatibility within the thousands of available file formats I decided to not use tricks for modifying the original size and compressed_size values. for example imagine those formats that use encrypted information tables or MEMORY_FILEs for such tables or that use things like "math SIZE *= 0x800". the reimport process must be generic, universal and without work-arounds. - the script is just the same for both extraction and reimporting, it means that many of the scripts written by me and the other users already work, cool! - the reimporting of compressed files is perfectly possible because the tool automatically switches to the relative compression algorithm if available (for example deflate -> deflate_compress), if an algorithm is not available in recompress mode then the reimporting will fail - SLog is a new command that has been recently added to QuickBMS for dumping strings and texts, it works also in reimport mode but it's very limited and prone to errors. I suggest to check the manual for the SLog command (search slog in this text), but a generic universal rule is: - keep the length of the edited line of text as the original ? if the original archive uses complex encryptions that require the usage of MEMORY_FILEs to perform temporary decryption, then it's NOT supported and the same is valid for chunked content (like those scripts that use the command Append) From version 0.6.6, QuickBMS has an experimental mode for reimporting chunked files, it works very well with files saved directly to disk and less well with those that use MEMORY_FILEs (most of my scripts). In my opinion this feature is great but don't expect much, with some scripts you can have success but many others may not work. - FileXor, FileRot, Encryption and Filecrypt should work correctly - things like CRCs and hashes can't be supported - it's also possible to reimport the nameless files dumped with 'log "" OFFSET SIZE', the tool will automatically check for files in the folder with the same number so if the file was saved as 00000014.xml it will be reimported perfectly. - the reimport mode doesn't work if you renamed the files with the same name during the extraction (for example using the 'r' choice), in this case there is no way for the tool to know the correct file to reimport and will reimport only the one with the same original name. - the -Z option is a simple way to zero ALL the spaces of the archive occupied by the original files, the result will be a sort of "empty" archive. It "may" be useful for releasing the empty archive and the files separately and then reinjecting them in reimport mode with the option leaving out some unused files. Example: - quickbms script.bms archive.ar output_folder - quickbms -r -w -Z script.bms archive.ar output_folder (the content of output_folder is completely ignored in -Z) - remove videos from output_folders - compress archive.ar and output_folder, give them to a friend - quickbms -r -w script.bms archive.ar output_folder - now archive.ar all the files but the videos The behaviour of this feature may change in future depending by the feedback of the users, currently there is no real usage. Please note that often the games are able to load the extracted files directly from their installation folder, sometimes directly maybe by just removing the original archive and other times by launching the game with specific command-line arguments. The reimport feature of QuickBMS has already allowed to slightly mod and translate various games, but it's meant as a quick or temporary solution till a proper stand-alone rebuilder tool is written by the community of the target game, due to the better benefits coming from a complete and specific solution. But if nobody is going to write a stand-alone rebuilder for a specific game, then the reimport feature of QuickBMS is a great and immediately available solution. ################################################################### =============================================== 4) How to create scripts (for developers only!) =============================================== Originally the tool was created just for myself to be able to write quick extractors for simple archives immediately without writing a new tool, but QuickBMS revealed to be a powerful tool that I use for many tasks, including the parsing of some protocols and much more. So, how to write these scripts? Giving a look at http://wiki.xentax.com/index.php/BMS is a good first step to understand at least the basis of this language originally written by Mike Zuurman (alias Mr.Mouse of XeNTaX) in the far 1997. Then it's good to take a look at the various examples provided on http://quickbms.com and http://zenhax.com A programming knowledge and background is not required but it's very useful for understanding the "logic" of the scripts and some terms. What is really necessary is the full knowledge of the format to implement: reverse engineering is ever useful for figuring the needed fields. Luckily in the extraction process it's not needed to know all the fields of an archive, so a field like a CRC doesn't matter while the important fields to extract a file are ever the following: - filename - offset - size - optional compressed size if the file is compressed If you don't have filename and size, it's not a problem. What's really necessary is knowing at least of the offsets of the files. If you check my scripts you can notice the name DUMMY assigned to the fields that are not useful for the extraction. Note that I will try to keep the following documentation updated as much as I can, and also in sync with what happens inside QuickBMS for each command. The source code of the tool is not easy to understand so I hope that this documentation may be useful and complete. The fields between [] are optional fields. --- A quick and limited list of available commands is available when QuickBMS is launched with the -c option. Some important notes about the QuickBMS environment: - Everything is handled as a variable except if it starts with a number in which case it's considered a numeric constant, so when in this document I talk about VAR, STRING and other types of data I refer EVER to both variables and constants because they are EXACTLY the SAME thing inside the tool. - All the commands and the names of the variables are case INsensitive, "get OFFSET long" is the same as "GeT oFfSeT lOnG". - Everything works with signed 32 bit numbers (-2147483648 to 2147483647) so QuickBMS may not work well with files over 2 Gb but it can seek on files of 4 Gb without problems. Consider the following limits: - max 4gb size for archives - max 2gb size for the archived files Try quickbms_4gb_files.exe when working with bigger archives. - The constant strings depends by the context of the command, in fact in some commands they are handled as strings in C notation like "\x12\x34\\hello\"bye\0", in this case you must know how this representation works. This is a solution for using binary data in the textual script. The keyword is "C language escape characters" or escape sequences (or cstring), they are very simple, take a look here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/c-language/escape-sequences From http://www.acm.uiuc.edu/webmonkeys/book/c_guide/1.1.html Escape Name / Meaning \a Alert \b Backspace \f Form Feed \n New Line \r Carriage Return \t Horizontal Tab \v Vertical Tab \' Produces a single quote \" Produces a double quote \? Produces a question mark \\ Produces a single backslash \0 Produces a null character \ddd Defines one character by the octal digits (base-8) \xdd Defines one character by the hexadecimal digit (base-16) ONLY some commands support this C string notation for the escape characters, a quick way to find them is searching the keyword "(cstring)" without quotes in this document. From version 0.8.2 exists the -J option that considers all the constant strings as escaped Java and C-like strings, so every string is a cstring when you use such option - Both decimal and hexadecimal numbers are supported, the former is used if the number starts with 0x so 1234 and 0x4d2 are the same. - Any operation made on fields bigger than 8 bits is controlled by the global endianess, it means that any number and unicode field is read in little endian by default otherwise it's valid the endianess specified with the Endian command. - Comments can be used in C (// and /* */) and BMS syntax (#), for example: get DUMMY long # this is a comment /* this is a comment */ - The FILENUM (file number) field in the commands is set as a constant, it means that it cannot be modified at runtime using a variable, examples: get TMP string 0 # ok get TMP string VAR # wrong - All the commands use variables for their arguments except those in which it's specified that a constant number or a string (STRING) is needed. For example the commands that use a C string (cstring) use constant strings and not variables, except some cases like the dictionary of ComType. Note that this behaviour may change in future or may have been already changed in some commands. File numbers: Every file opened in QuickBMS has a number assigned to it, if this number is not specified it will be considered 0, the main input file. The first opened file is the input archive to which is assigned the number 0 (zero), the others must use the Open command. Negative numbers are considered MEMORY_FILEs, so -1 is MEMORY_FILE, -2 MEMORY_FILE2 and so on. MEMORY_FILEs: This is a particular type of temporary file which resides in memory and works exactly like a normal temporary file. It's extremely useful for doing many operations and you can use multiple memory files: MEMORY_FILE, MEMORY_FILE2, MEMORY_FILE3 and so on. MEMORY_FILE and MEMORY_FILE1 are the same file. . If you need to work with chunked parts of a file to concatenate to the memory file, you need to use the following trick: . putvarchr MEMORY_FILE FINAL_SIZE 0 # allocate memory log MEMORY_FILE 0 0 # create the file . The first instruction allocates the memory for containing the final size of your chunks, and the second one is necessary for resetting the memory file (current offset and size, not the allocated size). If you need to create a MEMORY_FILE of 0x100 bytes set to zero to use in CallDLL use the following . log MEMORY_FILE 0 0 # create the file putvarchr MEMORY_FILE 0x100 0 # write 0x100+1 zeroes TEMPORARY_FILE: This additional file called TEMPORARY_FILE resides physically on the target folder and has that exact name. Despite its "temporary" name, it's not deleted by the output folder and QuickBMS will ask to remove it at end of extraction. The file is created in any condition, even when it's used the -l (list) option for listing the files, so it's perfect in certain situations like when it's used a chunks based file system. The difference with the MEMORY_FILE is only related to the amount of memory available on the system because the previous file types uses the RAM while this one uses the disk, so use it if you need to create a temporary file bigger than 2 gigabytes. . For using the temporary file check this example: . log TEMPORARY_FILE 0 0 # reset it if it already exists append # enables the append mode ... log TEMPORARY_FILE OFFSET SIZE ... append # disable the append mode open "." TEMPORARY_FILE 1 # open temporary file as file 1 . Note that from version 0.6.8, QuickBMS automatically overwrites this file if it already exists. The following is the list of types of variables supported, also know as datatypes or types. The list is ordered just like in defs.h: BYTE 8 bit, 0 to 0xff SIGNED_BYTE 0x99 is read as 0xffffff99 SHORT 16 bit (aka INT), 0 to 0xffff SIGNED_SHORT 0x9999 is read as 0xffff9999 THREEBYTE 24 bit, 0 to 0xffffff SIGNED_THREEBYTE LONG 32 bit, 0 to 0xffffffff SIGNED_LONG mainly useful in quickbms_4gb_files: 0x99999999 is read as 0xffffffff0x99999999 LONGLONG fake 64 bit, so only 0 to 0xffffffff but Get takes 8 bytes FLOAT 32 bit, 123.345 is read as 123 From QuickBMS 0.10.1 floats (and doubles) are partially handled in Get, Put, Math and Print commands. DOUBLE 64 bit, 123.345 is read as 123 LONGDOUBLE 96 bit, 123.345 is read as 123 Note that size of long double is compiler dependent STRING NUL delimited string (one byte for each char) UNICODE special type used for unicode utf16 strings, the endianess of the utf16 is the same used globally in the script (watch the Endian command), it's used also for converting an unicode string to an ascii one: Set ASCII_STRING UNICODE UNICODE_STRING unicode conversion is performed via Win32 API (CP_UTF8 and CP_ACP in case of 0xfffd chars) while on Linux it uses iconv, fallback on mbtowc and byte=short UTF32 experimental support for 32bit unicode (unicode32) BINARY special type used for binary strings in C notation like "\xff\x00\x12\x34", used mainly as a constant (cstring) LINE special type used for carriage return/line feed delimited string (so any string ending with a 0x00, 0x0a or 0x0d), from version 0.6 the tool supports also strings that have no delimiter at the end of file ASIZE special type used to return the size of the opened file, used only with the GET command FILENAME special type used to return the name of the opened file like "myfile.zip", used only with the GET command BASENAME special type used to return the base name of the opened file like "myfile", used only with the GET command FILEPATH the folder of the file, like "c:\path\folder" for "c:\path\folder\file.txt" FULLBASENAME just like FULLNAME without extension EXTENSION special type used to return the extension of the opened file like "zip", used only with the GET command FULLNAME full path of the file, in reality at the moment it returns the same path used in the input filename CURRENT_FOLDER the path from which has been launched QuickBMS FILE_FOLDER the path of the loaded input file OUTPUT_FOLDER the extraction folder (the last argument of QuickBMS) INPUT_FOLDER same as above BMS_FOLDER the folder where the bms script is located EXE_FOLDER the folder where quickbms.exe is located ALLOC a type used only in the Set command for creating a variable with a specific allocated size COMPRESSED a special type used for setting big strings and memory files using a small amount of text, for using this type you must take the original text/file, compress it with zlib (you can use my packzip tool) and then encoding the output file with base64 (you can use my bde64 tool) and placing the result like the following: set MEMORY_FILE compressed eNrtwbEJACAMBMBecIfvnMUxPuEJAe0UHN81LLzrbYKwDOjI96IN1cLveRfAGqYu this type is very useful if you want to embed a dll inside a script without wasting much space You can create this variable using the following script: http://aluigi.org/bms/file_compressed_var.bms VARIABLE read byte per byte till the byte is negative VARIABLE2 Unreal engine index numbers VARIABLE3 used in various software VARIABLE4 used in Battlefield 3 (Frostbite engine) and Rar VARIABLE5 used in 7z archives VARIABLE6 requires a ValueMax variable VARIABLE7 similar to VARIABLE2 UNKNOWN use it to ask the user to insert the content of the variable VARIANT VB/C++ variant type (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Variant_type) BITS read a specific amount of bits, QuickBMS and the language are byte based but the "bits" method works very well TIME time_t Unix 32bit time TIME64 64bit time used as FILETIME on Windows CLSID ClassID like 00000000-0000-0001-0000-000000000000 IPV4 7f 00 00 01 = "" IPV6 like 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334 ASM x86 assembly ASM64 x86_x64 assembly ASM16 x86 16bit assembly ASM_??? arm, arm_thumb, arm64, mips, mips64, ppc, ppc64, sparc, sysz, xcore TCC a special type that compiles C text ??? the user will be asked to input a string that will be the new value of the variable, prompt from user / pause Just for the record, the original MexScript probably contained some types of variables that have never been used and for which it's unknown what they should represent: PURETEXT, PURENUMBER, TEXTORNUMBER and FILENUMBER. QuickBMS supports also the "experimental" multidimensional arrays inside the variables, for example: for i = 0 < 10 get VAR[i] long for j = 0 < 5 get VAR2[i][j] long next j next i But it's possible to access that variable ONLY by specifying the original name and index, so: print "%VAR[0]%" # fail! print "%VAR[j]%" # fail! math i = 0 print "%VAR[i]%" # ok QuickBMS supports also embedded text like the following: Set VAR string " this is a text with \"blah\" and 'blah' and so on. " The following is the list of bms commands: QuickBMSver VERSION FindLoc VAR TYPE STRING [FILENUM] [ERR_VALUE] [END_OFF] For [VAR] [OP] [VALUE] [COND] [VAR] Next [VAR] [OP] [VALUE] Get VAR TYPE [FILENUM] [OFFSET] GetDString VAR LENGTH [FILENUM] GoTo OFFSET [FILENUM] [TYPE] IDString [FILENUM] STRING Log NAME OFFSET SIZE [FILENUM] [XSIZE] Clog NAME OFFSET ZSIZE SIZE [FILENUM] [XSIZE] Math VAR OP VAR XMath VAR INSTR Open FOLDER NAME [FILENUM] [EXISTS] SavePos VAR [FILENUM] Set VAR [TYPE] VAR Do While VAR COND VAR String VAR OP VAR CleanExit If VAR COND VAR [...] [Elif VAR COND VAR] [Else] EndIf GetCT VAR TYPE CHAR [FILENUM] ComType ALGO [DICT] [DICT_SIZE] ReverseShort VAR [ENDIAN] ReverseLong VAR [ENDIAN] ReverseLongLong VAR [ENDIAN] Endian TYPE [VAR] FileXOR SEQ [OFFSET] [FILENUM] FileRot SEQ [OFFSET] [FILENUM] FileCrypt SEQ [OFFSET] [FILENUM] Strlen VAR VAR [SIZE] GetVarChr VAR VAR OFFSET [TYPE] PutVarChr VAR OFFSET VAR [TYPE] Debug [MODE] Padding VAR [FILENUM] [BASE_OFF] Append [DIRECTION] Encryption ALGO KEY [IVEC] [MODE] [KEYLEN] Print MESSAGE GetArray VAR ARRAY VAR_IDX PutArray ARRAY VAR_IDX VAR SortArray ARRAY [ALL] SearchArray VAR ARRAY VAR CallFunction NAME [KEEP_VAR] [ARG1] [ARG2] ... [ARGn] StartFunction NAME EndFunction ScanDir PATH NAME SIZE [FILTER] CallDLL DLLNAME FUNC/OFF CONV RET [ARG1] [ARG2] ... [ARGn] Put VAR TYPE [FILENUM] PutDString VAR LENGTH [FILENUM] PutCT VAR TYPE CHAR [FILENUM] GetBits VAR BITS [FILENUM] PutBits VAR BITS [FILENUM] Include FILENAME NameCRC VAR CRC [LISTFILE] [TYPE] [POLYNOMIAL] [PARAMETERS] Codepage VAR SLog NAME OFFSET SIZE [TYPE] [FILENUM] [TAG] Reimport [MODE] ImpType MODE VAR [...] CRCHash ALGO ARG1 ARG2 Label NAME Break [NAME] Continue [NAME] The following is the description of bms commands: ................................................................... QuickBMSver VERSION Checks if the current version of QuickBMS is recent enough to support the script. Mainly for scripts created after the introduction of a new feature or an important fix. The instruction also enables some command-line options. Arguments: VERSION Oldest version of QuickBMS for which the script was created the script, it's just the version displayed at runtime by the tool. It's possible to add some command-line options too: -64 force quickbms_4gb_files.exe -9 disable the safe memory allocator -I makes the variables case sensitive -. useful in reimport mode with data builders -N decimal names: 00000000.dat -> 0.dat -q quiet -T keep the temporary file if generated -d useful with some formats and scripts -D useful with some formats and scripts -e doesn't quit if compression fails -J all the strings are considered cstring -32 checks if the user is using quickbms.exe -F filter the input files -x hexadecimal notation in myitoa (debug) -j force UTF16 output in some functions -b C use C (char or hex) as filler in reimport if the new file is smaller -c this is NOT related to the -c option at command-line, it's a way to avoid being prompted when using C structures in the bms Examples: QuickBMSver 0.2.4 QuickBMSver "0.5.14 -9" QuickBMSver "-I -9" ................................................................... FindLoc VAR TYPE STRING [FILENUM] [ERR_VALUE] [END_OFF] It searches the first occurrence of a given string or number from the current offset of the file, just by scanning it byte per byte. It's used in those cases when the format of the archive is not known or it's a particular text file. Arguments: VAR The variable receiving the offset of the occurrence TYPE Type of the data we want to search, supported: - string - binary, can include any bytes (NUL too), since version 0.11 it can also contain wildcards like "\x??" or "\x**" for a wildcard byte (they covers only the first 32 bytes of the string) - unicode, the search will be performed as utf16 with the data stored using the current endianess - numeric type (byte, short, long ...), it searches a number stored using the current endianess - regex, experimental regular expression using a limited set of features (no grouping and others): https://github.com/kokke/tiny-regex-c it also works on binary files (0x00 -> line feed) findloc OFFSET regex "expression" findloc OFFSET regex "START.*END" STRING Must be a number if TYPE is a numeric type, or a string in C notation (cstring) in the other cases FILENUM Number of the file associated to the archive (0) ERR_VALUE By default FindLoc terminates the script if no string is found, if ERR_VALUE is set this value is assigned to VAR without terminating when there are no other occurrences, the suggested ERR_VALUE is "" END_OFF Limit the scanning from current offset till this offset, if END_OFF is lower than the current offset then the scanning will be performed backward Examples: For FindLoc OFFSET string "filename=" ... FindLoc OFFSET string "filename=" 0 "" if OFFSET == "" cleanexit endif # scan backward goto 0 0 SEEK_END findloc OFFSET string "filename=" 0 "" 0 FindLoc OFFSET string "file\x??am\x??" Next ................................................................... For [VAR] [OP] [VALUE] [COND] [VAR] ... Next [VAR] [OP] [VALUE] A classical "for" cycle with initializers, conditions and incrementers. There is also the Break instruction available to break the cycle at any moment and the Continue instruction for skipping the remaining part of the cycle. "For" allows to perform an initial operation on a variable and a check in each cycle to ensure a particular condition. "Next" is the command which delimits the cycle and at the same time increments the given variable if specified. It's also possible to use a math operation in Next so that you can increment, decrement or perform any other operation at the end of each cycle. All the parameters are optionals and must be inserted in the specific order, so if there is no initialization you must use: For OFFSET = OFFSET < 1000 For the record, there is also a "Prev" variant of the Next command, it just decrements the variable at each cycle. Arguments: VAR Variable on which is performed the first math operation and is checked for the condition OP Any of the available Math operators (check Math) VALUE Value to assign to the variable or part of the math operation COND Condition (check the If command) VAR Second part of the condition Examples: For i = 0 < FILES ... next i For # do what you want here, this is an endless loop Next For VAR1 = VAR1 != VAR2 # same of using while(VAR1 != VAR2) {...} in C Next VAR2 /= 3 For OFFSET = OFFSET != ARCHIVE_SIZE ... Savepos OFFSET if OFFSET > 100 break endif Next ................................................................... Get VAR TYPE [FILENUM] It reads strings and numbers from the file. It supports many types of input, they are listed at the beginning of this documentat like byte, short, long, string, unicode and so on. The tool automatically terminates when there is no data or partial data to read at the end of the file. Arguments: VAR Variable which will receive the read data TYPE Check the description of the types explained before FILENUM Number of the file associated to the archive (0) Examples: Get OFFSET long Get NAME string ................................................................... GetDString VAR LENGTH [FILENUM] It reads a defined amount of data from the file and stores it in the given variable. It's useful with filenames and other strings that have a length specified in a previous 8, 16 or 32 bit field. Arguments: VAR Variable which will receive the read data LENGTH Amount of bytes to read. There is also an experimental method in which you can specify the elements and their size like LENGTH*NUM, for example: getdstring ARRAY NUMBERS*4 FILENUM Number of the file associated to the archive (0) Examples: GetDString NAME NAME_LENGTH GetDString NAME 0x100 getdstring ARRAY ELEMENTS*4 ................................................................... GoTo OFFSET [FILENUM] [TYPE] It changes the current position in the file, like fseek in C. Arguments: OFFSET Position to reach. The offset "SEEK_SET" is offset 0. The offset "SEEK_END" is the end of file. If it's a constant negative it will be considered the amount of bytes from the end of the file, so a negative variable is considered as unsigned 32bit. The offset depends also by the TYPE field. FILENUM number of the file associated to the archive (0) TYPE - SEEK_SET, absolute offset (default) - SEEK_CUR, relative offset from current position - SEEK_END, amount of bytes from the end, must be negative or OFFSET will be converted to negative Examples: GoTo OFFSET GoTo 0x100 GoTo -4 # 4 bytes before the end of the file GoTo SEEK_SET # like goto 0 Goto SEEK_END # like goto 0 0 SEEK_END ................................................................... IDString [FILENUM] STRING It terminates the program if the magic/signature at the current position of the file differs than the provided string. If the string doesn't match and it's 4 bytes long QuickBMS will automatically swap it and perform the comparison again and change the endianess if it matches. This solution makes most of the scripts written for an architecture (for example PC) virtually compatible with others (for example Xbox360). Pay attention to the FILENUM/VAR order different than other commands, that's a rule of the original BMS syntax. Arguments FILENUM number of the file associated to the archive (0) STRING string in C notation (cstring), it can also use wildcard bytes like "\x??" (they covers only the first 32 bytes of the string) Examples: IDString "PK\x03\x04" IDString " KAP" IDString MEMORY_FILE "hello" IDString 1 "magic_on_file_one" IDString "PK\x??\x??" ................................................................... Log NAME OFFSET SIZE [FILENUM] [XSIZE] It extracts the file, this operation doesn't change the current position of the input file. The content of the extracted file can be automatically decrypted using the Encryption command before it. If NAME is an empty string like "", QuickBMS will assign a sequential hexadecimal number and will try to guess the extension based on the content at the beginning of the file. The extension will be automatically guessed and appended also to all the files that terminate with a dot or an asterisk like ".", "*" or ".*" or if they point to folders like "folder/". NAME can also be a special file like those that we will see later like a socket, a process, an audio device and so on (they require previous authorization by the user via command-line). The filename will be automatically cleaned for dumping the file without problems. NAME can also be a MEMORY_FILE or a TEMPORARY_FILE. If a file with the same name already exists, QuickBMS will ask what action to take, the suggested one is the 'r' choice that will allow to automatically rename all the files with the same name without overwriting them. If you have used the Append command, the data will be appended to the existent file with the same name. Log and Clog share the same code, so the compression is the only difference. Arguments: NAME Name of the output file OFFSET Position in the archive where is located the file SIZE Amount of the data to extract FILENUM Number of the file associated to the archive (0) XSIZE Used with block encryptions, this value is the aligned amount of data read from the disk, example for AES: log NAME OFFSET 0x123 0 0x130 clog NAME OFFSET 0x123 SIZE 0 0x130 Examples: Log NAME OFFSET SIZE Log "dump.dat" 0 SIZE Log "" 0 SIZE Log "folder/name.*" 0 SIZE ................................................................... Clog NAME OFFSET ZSIZE SIZE [FILENUM] [XSIZE] It extracts the file decompressing it in real-time, this operation doesn't change the current position of the file. The decompression algorithm used in the operation is decided by the ComType command which is zlib by default. The content of the extracted file can be decrypted automatically after decompression using the Encryption command. For additional information please refer to the Log command. Arguments: NAME Name of the output file OFFSET Position of the archive where is located the file ZSIZE Size of the compressed data in the archive SIZE Size of the uncompressed file, if you have used a "_compress" algorithm then use SIZE equal to ZSIZE because the tool will automatically calculate the maximum amount of bytes taken for the compression FILENUM Number of the file associated to the archive (0) XSIZE Used with block encryptions like AES, just like Log Examples: Clog NAME OFFSET ZSIZE SIZE Clog "dump.dat" 0 ZSIZE 10000000 # with some compression algorithms the file will have the # real size while others will set it to 10000000 ................................................................... Math VAR OP VAR Mathematical operation between two variables with the result placed in the first one. Note that due to compatibility all the operations are performed using signed 32 bit numbers by default. It makes the difference with some operations like shift and divisions, pay attention! For unsigned operations add an 'u' before OP. The additional '=' you see in many scripts and in the examples is not needed, programmers are used to add it when the first variable is both input and output, like in C: var += 123;. Arguments VAR Variable which acts as input and output OP + sum * multiplication / division - substraction ^ xor & and | or % modulus ! negation of var2 (0 becomes 1 and any other value becomes 0) ~ complement of var2 (like "xor 0xffffffff") < shift left (also <<) > shift right (also >>) l rotate left (also <<<) r rotate right (also >>>) s byte swapping, 2 for reverseshort and 4 for reverselong w bit swapping, reverse the amount of bits specified in var2 = assign var2 to var1 n negative value of var2 (like var1 = -var2) a absolute value of var2 (-10 = 10 and 10 = 10) v radix (also //) p power (also **) x alignment/padding, examples: var1=0 var2=16 result=0 var1=1 var2=16 result=16 var1=16 var2=16 result=16 var1=17 var2=16 result=32 y round, like var1=(var1/var2)*var2, examples: var1=0 var2=16 result=0 var1=1 var2=16 result=0 var1=16 var2=16 result=16 var1=17 var2=16 result=16 z common bitswapping (also <>): var1=0xab var2=4 result=0xba var1=0xabcd var2=4 result=0xdc var1=0xabcd var2=8 result=0xcdab reverselong swap of 32bit variable reverseshort swap of 16bit variable reverselonglong swap of 64bit variable binary convert from binary to decimal octal convert from octal to decimal hex convert from hexadecimal to decimal (this is automatic, use it only if VAR2 doesn't have a 0x prefix) base* convert from base* to decimal, so base8 is octal, base2 is binary, base16 is hex Add a 'u' before or after OP for forcing the usage of unsigned operations useful with shift, divisions and possibly other operations. Any operation starting with a '?' is considered a verbose operator, for example ?add is the same of +. QuickBMS supports also all the functions available in math.h like ?sin, ?cos, ?atan and so on. Unfortunately it's not possible to list them here, please check math_operations() and old_set_math_operator() in the cmd.c source code. VAR Second input variable Examples: Math SIZE * 0x100 Math OFFSET << 2 Math OFFSET u<< 2 Math TMP = SIZE Math TMP ~ TMP Math TMP n TMP Math TMP2 a TMP Math SIZE u/ 5 Math RADIX v 2 ................................................................... XMath VAR INSTR Multiple mathematical operations in one line, just a way to avoid the limitations of the original Math command. Currently this command is just an experiment and supports only the most simple operators named with a non-alphanumeric character and applied to unsigned numbers: ~ ! < > & ^ | * / % - + <<< shift left >>> shift right ** power // root && alignment <> common bit swapping %% percentage ("VAR %% 15" will return the 15% of VAR) This command is directly derived from my calcc tool: http://aluigi.org/mytoolz.htm#calcc Please note that XMath is a lot slower than Math. Do NOT use the unsigned labels or the additional '=' you use with the Math command because they are NOT supported since all operations are unsigned in XMath, so: xmath TMP "TMP u<<= 5" is WRONG xmath TMP "TMP << 5" is CORRECT Arguments VAR Variable that acts as output INSTR The full instruction, the operator must never start with a alphanumeric character because it would be interpreted as a variable Examples: XMath VAR "1 + 2 - ((3 + 4) + VAR * VAR2)" xmath VAR "VAR ?x 16" xmath VAR "VAR ?align 16" ................................................................... Open FOLDER NAME [FILENUM] [EXISTS] It opens a file, basically it assigns a file number/id to an existent file that you want to use. If NAME is '?': - and FOLDER is FDDE the user must type the extension of the file to load, the name is the same of the one currently open - and FOLDER is FDSE the user must type the name of the file loaded from the same folder - the user must type the full name of the file to load From version 0.9 QuickBMS has introduced the emulated file number 0, if you use "open MEMORY_FILE" or "open 1" then any operation on the current file will be performed on the chosen file, use "open 0" to restore it. Arguments: FOLDER FDDE, means that you want to open the file in the same location of the input one which has the extension provided with NAME, so FDDE is for the extension only FDSE, it will consider NAME as a file located in the same folder of the input file (very useful) FDDE2, like FDDE forcing the original input folder FDSE2, like FDSE forcing the original input folder any other value is considered the folder where is located the file to load so use "." for the current output folder NAME Read above, NAME can also be a ? in which case QuickBMS will ask the user to insert the name of the file to open manually if NAME is "" then will be performed a flush operation that could be useful (or not?) only in write mode (debug) FILENUM Number of the file associated to the archive (0) EXISTS If the file doesn't exist this variable will be set to 0 or 1 if it exists. By default QuickBMS terminates with an error if the file doesn't exist. Examples: Open FDDE DAT 0 Open FDDE IDX 1 Open FDSE "myfile.zip" Open "." TEMPORARY_FILE 1 ................................................................... SavePos VAR [FILENUM] Current position of the file, like ftell in C. Arguments: VAR Variable which will contain the offset FILENUM Number of the file associated to the archive (0) Examples: SavePos OFFSET ................................................................... Set VAR [TYPE] VAR Command for assigning a constant or a variable to another variable with the possibility of changing its type, like utf8 to unicode and vice versa, and so on. Arguments: VAR Output variable or memory file TYPE In general the type is not much important because in QuickBMS there is almost no difference between numbers and strings, these are the special types: - unicode, unicode to utf8, endian dependent set NAME unicode NAME - to_unicode, utf8 to unicode, endian dependent set NAME to_unicode NAME - binary, C notation (cstring) set MEMORY_FILE binary "\x11\x22\x00hello" - alloc: allocates memory, something like putvarchr VAR SIZE 0 ; set VAR alloc 0x1234 - filename: example that returns "myfile.txt": set NAME filename "c:\folder\myfile.txt" - basename: for example it returns "myfile" - filepath - fullbasename - extension: the extension part from a string (txt) - unknown: the user is prompted to insert the content of the variable: set VAR ? ? - signed_byte/short/threebyte/long - unicode32: utf32 - strlen: just a wrapper for the Strlen command set NAMESZ strlen NAME VAR Variable or constant to assign Examples: Set i long 0 Set TMP long SIZE Set TMPNAME NAME Set MEMORY_FILE binary "\x12\x34\x56\x78" Set ASCII_VAR unicode UNICODE_VAR # from unicode to string Set VAR ? ? # the user is prompted to insert a filename ................................................................... Do ... While VAR COND VAR A less useful type of cycle where the check of the condition is performed at the end of the cycle... really rarely used. If you need a C-like "while(...) {...}" use the For command. Arguments: VAR first part of the condition COND condition, check the If command below for more info VAR second part of the condition Examples: Do ... While OFFSET < MAX_OFFSET ................................................................... String VAR OP VAR The equivalent of the Math command for the strings. The first variable can be an input and output or only an output depending by the operator. You can use also a textual OP, this value is the one in the first line of the operator seen below ("equal" is '='). The string searching operators are quite confusing because the tool didn't have this feature and they were implemented in the String command later as experimental features. The variables are used as NUL-delimited strings by default, but from QuickBMS 0.11 you can use them in binary mode by prefixing the operator with a zero ("0"). Arguments: VAR Input and output variable OP The following examples are based on these values: VAR1 "MyStringExampleString!" (22 bytes) 1 VAR2 "STRING" 2 NUM2 3 3 NUM2 -3 = just a copy, if var2 is a number it's used as a raw string, good for Long to String conversions: var2="0x44434241", result="ABCD" + append MyStringExampleString!STRING MyStringExampleString!3 MyStringExampleString!-3 - remove, truncate MyExample! MyStringExampleStri MyS ^ xor .-.=<.=3.1/*#87.:5::5h ~J`GAZ]TvKR^C_V`GAZ]T. `J~G_ZCThKL^]_H`YAD]J. < strrstr + var2 (before) MyStringExampleString tringExampleString! ng! * replicate MyString MyStringExampleString!MyStringExampleString!MyStringExampleString! MyStringExampleString!MyS % strstr (before), truncate, mod My M MyStringExampleString! & strstr StringExampleString! MyStringExampleString! MyStringExampleString! | strstr + var2 ExampleString! MyStringExampleString! MyStringExampleString! $ strrstr String! MyStringExampleString! MyStringExampleString! ! strrstr + var2 ! MyStringExampleString! MyStringExampleString! > strrstr (before) MyStringExample MyStringExampleStri MyStringExampleString! r reverse reversed string, "abcd" -> "dcba" b byte2hex byte2hex of var2: var2="abc", result="616263" B byte2hex_string as above but var2 is a NUL delimited string h hex2byte hex2byte of var2: var2="616263", result="abc" e encrypt, encryption experimental, based on the Encryption command E encrypt_string as above but var2 is a NUL delimited string c compress, compression, comtype experimental, based on the ComType command C compress_string as above but var2 is a NUL delimited string u toupper var2="hello", result="HELLO" l tolower var2="HELLO", result="hello" R replace replace chars: var1="helloworld", var2="world", var3="me", result="hellome" p printf, sprintf a printf-like experimental work-around the format for float (f) and double (g) works only for one element, so: get VAR_LONG long String TMP p "%10.10f" VAR_LONG # no VAR2 or VAR3 print "%TMP%" P QuickBMS Print same output of the Print command, for example: string VAR P "hello %VAR1% test %VAR2|x%" s sscanf a sscanf-like experimental work-around, only for numeric 32bit values string "123:456" s "%d:%d" VAR1 VAR2 S split it's like a sscanf for strings, both ' and " are handled as quotes: string ELEMENTS S "string1 \"string 2\" 'string3'" VAR1 VAR2 VAR3 x cstring convert a C string (cstring) to the relative string/binary: string VAR x "\x78\x7a" H string to cstring, all bytes escaped if with "0" prefix string VAR 0H "hello" # VAR = "\x68\x65\x6c\x6c\x6f" f filter filter the non alphanumeric chars by replacing them with '_' m math, xmath math and xmath operation just like those in the Encryption command so #INPUT#+1 means that 0x01 will be added to each char of VAR quick example: string VAR m "#INPUT#+1" # xmath if there is INPUT string VAR m "+ 1" # math w hex2uri var2="%2fhello&", result="/hello&" W uri2hex var2="hello<>", result="hello%3c%3e" t very basic html/xml tags remover, de_html T html/xml, one tag or text per line, html_easy _ trim, removes spaces from the beginning and end J JSON formatter, json_viewer X experimental parser for XML, JSON and other formats (use option -9), xml_json_parser: https://zenhax.com/viewtopic.php?t=4887&p=26349#p26349 currently it automatically escapes backslashes and HTML tags (backslashes added in 0.11, in theory the HTML tags are not in the standard) nested elements are stored as variables: VAR[i] so remember to use the "i" index to read them: string RET X INPUT for i = 0 < NAME[] print "%NAME[i]%" next i v CSV with custom separators like "," or ",|;" string ELEMENTS v "arg1,arg2, arg 3 , arg4" "," ARG1 ARG2 ARG3 ARG4 n byte2num var2="abc", result="97 98 99" N num2byte var2="97 98 99" result="abc" U base64/uudecode Use an additional zero ("0") to return "" in case of errors like when the operators that search strings can't find the pattern (in which case will be returned the original string by default), this is very useful while playing with strings, so "string VAR1 0strchr VAR2" will return "" if VAR2 is not found in VAR1 (instead of leaving VAR1 unchanged), another example: String VAR1 0$ VAR2 From version 0.11 the "0" prefix is also used for working with binary strings. VAR The second variable or string Examples: string FULLPATH + NAME string FULLPATH + \ string NAME - ".zip" string NAME - 4 string PATH R "." "/" string FULLPATH p "c:\folder\%04x%04x.dat" VAR1 VAR2 # input string FULLPATH s "c:\folder\%04x%04x.dat" VAR1 VAR2 # output ................................................................... CleanExit Terminates the script, it's possible also to use just Exit. ................................................................... If VAR COND VAR [...] ... [Elif VAR COND VAR] ... [Else] ... EndIf It checks various conditions and performs the needed operation when the condition is verified, in short: - If is ever the first condition - Elif is another condition and can be used endless times - Else is the operation to do when no conditions are met, last - EndIf delimits the If command statement It's also possible to use multiple conditions (max 4) like: if VAR1 < VAR2 && VAR3 > VAR4 elif VAR1 != 0 || VAR2 != 0 The 'u' added before the condition forces an unsigned comparison with numbers and a case sensitive one with strings. The condition is considered for both strings and numbers, for more technical details check the check_condition() function in the cmd.c source code. Arguments: VAR First part of the condition COND Valid for both strings and numbers: < minor, lower, below > major, greater, above != different, <> !== == equal, = === strcmp stricmp strcasecmp >= major/equal <= minor/equal & string: var2 is included in var1 (strstr) number: logical AND ^ string: equal number: logical XOR | number: logical OR % number: modulus / number: division << number: shift left >> number: shift right ! number: negation, not !! number: true, use it to know if VAR is non-zero ~ number: complement strncmp if "mystring" strncmp "myst" ext compares the string after the last dot basename compares the string before the last dot filepath compares the part before the filenames, you can force a folder without filename by appending a slash: "c:\folder/" instead of "c:\folder" (will be "c:") any other operation supported by the Math command (valid only for the numeric variables) use 'u' before COND for forcing the usage of unsigned operations useful with shift, divisions and possibly other operations, if the variables are strings then it will perform an case sensitive comparison instead of the default insensitive one, while the '0' prefix before COND works just like in String performing a binary comparison VAR Second part of the condition Examples: If NAME != "" ... Endif If MASK & 1 Elif MASK & 2 Elif MASK & 4 Elif MASK & 8 Else Endif ................................................................... GetCT VAR TYPE CHAR [FILENUM] It reads a string till the reaching of the CHAR delimiter. arguments VAR Output variable TYPE Only unicode is the alternative type, any other value is just ignored because doesn't matter for this operation CHAR The delimiter character as 8bit number, if this number is negative QuickBMS will convert it to positive and read till the current byte is the same (like skipping the same byte in a file) FILENUM Number of the file associated to the archive (0) Examples: GetCT NAME string 0x0a GetCT NAME string 0x3b set DELIMITER_BYTE long 0x0a GetCT NAME string DELIMITER_BYTE GetCT NAME unicode 0x0a ................................................................... ComType ALGO [DICT] [DICT_SIZE] It selects a specific compression algorithm to use with the Clog command. It's also possible to choose a number as ALGO, this is a feature coming from my project for a compression scanner and brute-forcer able to guess the possible algorithm of an unknown raw compressed data block by simply trying every decompressor on the input (do NOT use it if you don't know what you are doing! this is NOT offzip!): http://aluigi.org/bms/comtype_scan2.bat http://aluigi.org/bms/comtype_scan2.bms comtype_scan2.bat comtype_scan2.bms input_file output_folder comtype_scan2.bat comtype_scan2.bms input_file output_folder uncompressed_size Note that some algorithms may work on Windows only. if ALGO is "?", the user is prompted to type the desired algorithm name. Arguments: ALGO copy, simple copy that useful in some rare cases with data encrypted with block ciphers like AES and blowfish so use comtype copy and encryption zlib, RFC1950 (windowbit 15, data starts with 'x') DICT supported if DICT starts with "Z_FULL_FLUSH" inflate/deflate will use Z_FULL_FLUSH deflate, RFC1951 (windowbit -15) used in ZIP files DICT supported if DICT starts with "Z_FULL_FLUSH" inflate/deflate will use Z_FULL_FLUSH lzo1x DICT supported lzo1a till lzo2a, LZO (the most used is lzo1x!) DICT supported lzss, with default configuration (window of 4096) this particular algorithm can be fully configured setting the EI, EJ and P fields plus another number rarely used: EI, EJ, P, rless, init_chr for setting them it's enough to use a DICT equal to something like "12 4 2" which means EI:12 (N:4096), EJ:4 (F:18), P:2 use a negative init_chr for different window slide customization like -1 for Tales of Vesperia the default character of lzss is a space (0x20), but you can use the ALGO lzss0 or the dictionary "12 4 2 2 0" to use 0x00 lzx, used by the old unlzx tool and on Amiga gzip, automatic handling of gzip data, in this case the uncompressed size is ignored and calculated automatically so in CLog use ZSIZE ZSIZE pkware, algorithm also known as blast, explode, implode or DCL lzma, 5 bytes + lzma (in some cases you may need to use ZSIZE + 5) lzma86head, 5 bytes + 8 bytes (size) + lzma lzma86dec, 1 byte + 5 bytes + lzma (in some cases you may need to use ZSIZE + 5) lzma86dechead, 1 + 5 + 8 bytes (size) + lzma lzmaefs, the format implemented in ZIP bzip2 XMemDecompress, (xmemlzx) Xbox 360 LZX algorithm of xcompress.lib use DICT to specify a custom WindowSize and CompressionPartitionSize like "131072 524288", the algorithm automatically idenfities and extracts the LZXTDECODE and LZXNATIVE files generated by xbcompress.exe (0x0FF512ED / 0x0FF512EE) hex, from "01234567" to bytes: 0x01 0x23 0x45 0x67 base64, from "aGVsbG8=" to "hello", also supports the Gamespy and URL chars uudecode ascii85 yenc COM_LZW_Decompress, used in Vietcong milestone_lzw, lzw used in the Milestone games lzxcab, lzx used in cab files (libmspack 21 0) lzxchm, lzx used in chm files (libmspack 16 2) rlew, 16 bit RLE algorithm used in AIM Racing lzjb, a compression used in a file system for *nix sfl_block, expand_block from iMatix SFL sfl_rle, expand_rle from iMatix SFL sfl_nulls, expand_nulls from iMatix SFL sfl_bits, expand_bits from iMatix SFL lzma2, 1 bytes + lzma2 lzma2_86head, 1 bytes + 8 bytes (size) + lzma2 lzma2_86dec, 1 byte + 1 bytes + lzma2 lzma2_86dechead, 1 + 1 + 8 bytes (size) + lzma2 nrv2b, UCL nrv2d, UCL nrv2e, UCL huffboh, used in the Asura engine uncompress, lzw used in the compress utility, use dict for bits (the lzw data starts from offset 3 of the .Z files) dmc, Dynamic Markov Compression (DMC) lzhuf, aka LZH/LHA lzari rle7 rle0 rle rlea, another generic rle decompressor use DICT to choose the escape char bpe, byte pair encoding quicklz q3huff, Adaptive Huffman used in the Quake 3 engine unmeng, algorithm used in DreamKiller lz2k, used in various games of Traveller's Tales darksector, lzfx used in the game Dark Sector mszh, used in the LossLess Codec Library un49g, used in the games of 49Games unthandor, used in the old game Thandor doomhuff, huffman used in doom, hexen, skulltag and other doom ports, the DICT field can be used to specify a custom HuffFreq table (256 floats) aplib tzar_lzss, used in Tzar of HaemimontGames DICT must contain the name of the variable with the algorithm number to use, example: ComType tzar_lzss MYVAR lzf, aka fastlz clz77, http://compressions.sf.net/about.html lzrw1 dhuff, Huffman Decompression in LDS ("lossless datacompression sources" kit 1.1) fin, from LDS lzah (not tested) lzh12, aka -lh4- lzh13, aka -lh5- grzip, aka GRZipII ckrle, Chilkat RLE quad, raw data without the first 32bit field balz, raw data without the first 9 bytes from files deflate64 shrink (not tested) z-base-32 base32hex base32crockford base32nintendo base???, if ALGO starts with "base" then will be taken its subsequent number (for example 32 if it is "base32") and used for the conversion. the function supports ANY base from 2 to 256. for bases larger than 64 will be used a table starting from byte 0x00 so base128 will have a charset from 0 to 0x7f brieflz paq6, raw data block shcodec hstest_hs_unpack (never tested, may be removed) hstest_unpackc (never tested, may be removed) sixpack (never tested) ashford (never tested, may be removed) jcalg jam lzhlib srank zzip scpack DICT supported (for the SCPACK_TABLE field) rle3 bpe2 bcl_huf, Basic Compression Library bcl_lz, Basic Compression Library bcl_rice, Basic Compression Library you must use DICT to specify the format (1 to 8) bcl_rle, Basic Compression Library bcl_sf, Basic Compression Library scz szip ppmd, ppmd var.i rev.1 with ZIP specifics so 2 bytes of info followed by the compressed data ppmdi_raw ppmdg ppmdg_raw, requires DICT "SASize MaxOrder" ppmdh ppmdh_raw, requires DICT "SASize MaxOrder" ppmdj ppmdj_raw, requires DICT "SASize MaxOrder CutOff" sr3c huffmanlib sfastpacker, smart+simple mode sfastpacker2, smart-mode only dk2, RefPack used in Dungeon Keeper 2 and other Bullfrog/EA games lz77wii, (use input size as output size in clog) lz77wii_raw10, tag 0x10 lz77 darkstone, lz77 used in the game DarkStone sfl_block_chunked, as sfl_block with automatic handling of the chunks if used yuke_bpe, used in the PS2 games developed by Yuke stalker_lza, used in STALKER, use the output size equal to the compressed one (handled by quickbms) prs_8ing puyo_cnx, raw compressed data from offset 0x10 puyo_cxlz, raw compressed data from offset 0x8 puyo_lz00, raw compressed data from offset 0x32 puyo_lz01, raw compressed data from offset 0x10 puyo_lzss, raw compressed data from offset 0x4 puyo_onz, raw compressed data from offset 0x4 puyo_prs falcom cpk, used by the CRI developers (LAYLA) bzip2_file, exactly like bzip2 but it calculates the output size, use ZSIZE ZSIZE in clog lz77wii_raw11, tag 0x11 lzss lz77wii_raw20, tag 0x20 huffman lz77wii_raw30, tag 0x30 rle lz77wii_raw40 pglz, postgresql compression (headerless) UnPackSLZ slz_01, used in tri-ace slz type 1 slz_02, used in tri-ace slz type 2 slz_03, used in tri-ace slz type 2 lzhl d3101 squeeze lzrw3 tdcb_ahuff tdcb_arith tdcb_arith1 tdcb_arith1e tdcb_arithn tdcb_compand tdcb_huff tdcb_lzss, dict for INDEX_BIT_COUNT, LENGTH_BIT_COUNT, DUMMY9, END_OF_STREAM tdcb_lzw12 tdcb_lzw15v tdcb_silence rdc ilzr dmc2 diffcomp lzr lzs (aka mppc but NOT exactly the same!) lzs_big (aka mppc_big but NOT exactly the same!) mohlzss mohrle yaz0 (aka szs) byte2hex un434a xxdecode pack, the one supported in gzip unzip_dynamic, automatic zlib/deflate and output size, please note that while zlib is almost error free due to the checksum at its end, deflate doesn't guarantee a valid output so, even if it uncompresses the data, it may be invalid. use zlib_noerror if you are 100% sure that the input is zlib or plain, and deflate_noerror for deflate zlib_noerror, as zlib but doesn't quit in case of errors and automatically reserves the output size deflate_noerror, as above but for deflate ppmdh ppmdh_raw rnc rnc_raw pak_explode, alone in the dark KENS_Nemesis KENS_Kosinski KENS_Kosinski_moduled KENS_Enigma KENS_Saxman dragonballz (STPZ/0DCS/0LCS/STPK archives, Spyke?) NitroSDK (nitroCompLib) zdaemon, like doomhuff but different freq table skulltag, like doomhuff but different freq table msf, headerless lzma same as lzma_0 stargunner ntcompress crle ctw DACT_DELTA DACT_MZLIB2 DACT_MZLIB DACT_RLE DACT_SNIBBLE DACT_TEXT DACT_TEXTRLE EXECUTE: use DICT to specify the command to execute using #INPUT# instead of input filename and #OUTPUT# for the output one and the various variables like you do for the Print command, example: comtype EXECUTE "ctw.exe d #INPUT# #OUTPUT#" comtype EXECUTE "ctw.exe d #INPUT# %NAME%" clog "output.dat" 0 ZSIZE ZSIZE # no need SIZE CALLDLL: as above but allows to specify a calldll command executed on input: "#INPUT#", "#INPUT_SIZE#", "#OUTPUT#", "#OUTPUT_SIZE#" and %VAR% full support also for pointers using the '&' or '*' prefix like &MEMORY_FILE, &VAR, &#INPUT#, &INPUT_SIZE lz77_0 lzbss bpaq0 lzpx, lzpxj mar_rle gdcm_rle lzmat dict rep lzp (it's a preprocessor, not a real compression) elias_delta elias_gamma elias_omega packbits darksector_nochunks, aka lzf or lzfx enet eduke32, lzwuncompress xu4_rle rvl, lemur int compression lzfu, MS RTF lzfu_raw xu4_lzw, Ultima 4 he3, without the HE3\x0d signature and output size iris, Ultima Online algorithms iris_huffman iris_uo_huffman ntfs pdb COMPRLIB_SPREAD COMPRLIB_RLE1 COMPRLIB_RLE2 COMPRLIB_RLE3 COMPRLIB_RLE4 COMPRLIB_ARITH COMPRLIB_SPLAY cabextract, it may be the same lzx of mspack mrci hd2_01 hd2_08 hd2_01raw rtl_lznt1 rtl_xpress, looks not supported by XP/7 rtl_xpress_huff, looks not supported by XP/7 prs sega_lz77 saint_seya, used for GMI compression ntcompress30 ntcompress40 yakuza, used by SEGA CS1 team lz4 (the algorithm of lz4hc is the same) snappy lunar_lz1 to lunar_lz19 lunar_rle1 to lunar_rle4 goldensun luminousarc lzv1 fastlzah, it should be identical to lzf and lzfx zax shrinker mmini_huffman mmini_lz1 mmini clzw lzham, use the dictionary to specify the following fields: m_dict_size_log2, m_table_update_rate, m_decompress_flags, m_table_max_update_interval, m_table_update_interval_slow_rate it will try to brute force the first 3 fields lpaq8 sega_lzs2, automatic CM/lzs2 and decompressed size wolf coreonline mszip, "CK" included (from libmspack) qtm, (from libmspack) mslzss, (from libmspack) mslzss1, (from libmspack) mslzss2, (from libmspack) kwaj, mslzh (from libmspack) lzlib (lzip) dflt lzma_dynamic, automatic output size and automatic scanning of any supported flag, so it should blindly work against any compressed lzma input. if it's not compressed, the input will be copied on the output. while "lzma" returns an error if the input buffer doesn't have other compressed bytes (LZMA_STATUS_NEEDS_MORE_INPUT), lzma_dynamic gives the ok, this is useful with some rare cases like Far Cry 3 (fat2_fat3.bms) lzma2_dynamic, automatic output size lzma2_efs lzxcab_delta lzxchm_delta ffce SCUMMVM1 -> SCUMMVM53, many algos used in Scummvm lzs_unzip, PSP_Nanoha legend_of_mana dizzy edl1 edl2 dungeon_kid frontmission2 rleinc1 rleinc2 evolution, aka lzf or lzfx puyo_lz10 puyo_lz11 nislzs unknown1 -> unknown19 blackdesert blackdesert_raw pucrunch zpaq zyxel_lzs blosc gipfeli crush yappy lzg doboz tornado xpksqsh amiga_unsquash amiga_bytekiller amiga_flashspeed amiga_iamice amiga_iamatm amiga_isc1p amiga_isc2p amiga_isc3p amiga_upcomp amiga_uphd amiga_bytekiller3 amiga_bytekiller2 amiga_crunchmania17b amiga_powerpacker amiga_stonecracker2 amiga_stonecracker3 amiga_stonecracker4 amiga_crunchmaster amiga_crunchmania amiga_crunchmaniah amiga_crunchomatic amiga_discovery amiga_lightpack amiga_mastercruncher amiga_maxpacker amiga_megacruncher amiga_packit amiga_spikecruncher amiga_tetrapack amiga_timedecrunch amiga_tryit amiga_tuc amiga_turbosqueezer61 amiga_turbosqueezer80 amiga_turtlesmasher amiga_dms amiga_packfire alba_bpe alba_bpe2 flzp sr2 sr3 bpe2v3 bpe_alt1 bpe_alt2 cbpe scpack0 LZMA_0, headerless lzma, use the dictionary to specify the dictionary size IF necessary LZMA_86HEAD0 LZMA_86DEC0 LZMA_86DECHEAD0 LZMA_EFS0 LZMA2_0 LZMA2_86HEAD0 LZMA2_86DEC0 LZMA2_86DECHEAD0 LZMA2_EFS0 lzovl NITROSDK_DIFF8 NITROSDK_DIFF16 NITROSDK_HUFF8 NITROSDK_HUFF16 NITROSDK_LZ NITROSDK_RL qcmp sparse stormhuff gzip_strict, gzip without autoguessing the presence of crc32 and isize at the end, use this if the file is a real 100% gzip file CT_HughesTransform CT_LZ77 CT_ELSCoder CT_RefPack qfs, same as dk2 PXP BOH GRC ZEN LZHUFXR FSE FSE_RLE ZSTD, automatically supports all the legacy algos CSC RNCb RNCb_RAW RNCc_RAW AZO PP20 DS_BLZ DS_HUF DS_LZE DS_LZS DS_LZX DS_RLE FAB LZ4F PCLZFG LZOO DELZC DEHUFF HEATSHRINK NEPTUNIA SMAZ LZFX PITHY ZLING DENSITY BROTLI RLE32 RLE35 BSC SHOCO WFLZ FASTARI RLE_ORCOM DICKY SQUISH LZNT1 XPRESS XPRESS_HUFF LZJODY TRLE SRLE MRLE JCH LZRW1KH LZSS0 LHA_lz5 LHA_lzs LHA_lh1 LHA_lh4 LHA_lh5 LHA_lh6 LHA_lh7 LHA_lhx LHA_pm1 LHA_pm2 SQX1, currently it doesn't work at 100% MDIP_ARAD MDIP_ARST MDIP_DELTA MDIP_FREQ MDIP_HUFFMAN MDIP_CANONICAL MDIP_LZSS MDIP_LZW MDIP_RICE MDIP_RLE MDIP_VPACKBITS bizarre bizarre_skip lzssx ash YAY0 DSTACKER DSTACKER_SD3 DSTACKER_SD4 DBLSPACE DBLSPACE_JM XREFPACK, just another dk2/refpack XREFPACK0, as above but without handling of header qcmp2, UFG::qDecompressLZ probably the same of qcmp deflatex, deflate used in Aeriagames pkg.idx, DICT for btype order ("012") zlibx, as above but skips the first 2 bytes lzrw1a lzrw2 lzrw3a lzrw5 LEGO_IXS mcomp, libmcomp / MCMQ / MCMP mcomp0, rolz mcomp1, rolz3 (or deflate fast on mcomp.exe) mcomp2, lz mcomp3, deflate mcomp4, deflate64 mcomp5, bzip2 mcomp6, ppmdj mcomp7, sl mcomp8, sm mcomp9, dmc mcomp10, ??? (10,11,12,18,19,20 are all the same) mcomp13, fpw1 mcomp14, fpw2 mcomp15, fpw3 mcomp16, fpw4 mcomp17, pwcm irolz irolz2 uclpack ace ea_comp ea_huff ea_jdlz tornado_byte tornado_bit tornado_huf tornado_ari lbalzss1 lbalzss2 dbpf, Maxis DBPF TITUS_LZW TITUS_HUFFMAN KB_LZW KB_DOSLZW CARMACK MBASH DDAVE GOT SKYROADS ZONE66 EXEPACK DE_LZW JJRLE K13RLE SFRLC WESTWOOD1 WESTWOOD3 WESTWOOD3b WESTWOOD40 WESTWOOD80 PKWARE_DCL TERSE TERSE_SPACK_RAW TERSE_PACK_RAW REDUCE1 REDUCE2 REDUCE3 REDUCE4 LZW_ENGINE, requires the following parameters: - initial codeword length (in bits) - maximum codeword length (in bits) - first valid codeword - EOF codeword is first codeword - reset codeword is shared with EOF - flags (check src/compression/filter-lzw.h) LZW_BASH LZW_EPFS LZW_STELLAR7 ULTIMA6 LZ5 LZ5F YALZ77 LZKN1 LZKN2 LZKN3 TFLZSS SYNLZ1 SYNLZ1b SYNLZ1partial SYNLZ2 PPMZ2 OPENDARK DSLZSS KOF, not working at 100% KOF1, not working at 100% RFPK WP16 LZ4_STREAM OODLE OODLE_LZH OODLE_LZHLW OODLE_LZNIB OODLE_LZB16 OODLE_LZBLW OODLE_LZNA OODLE_BitKnit OODLE_LZA OODLE_LZQ1, OODLE_kraken OODLE_LZNIB2, OODLE_Mermaid SEGS OODLE_Selkie OODLE_Akkorokamui ALZ REVELATION_ONLINE ps_lz77 lzfse zle KOF2, not working at 100% KOF3, not working at 100% HSQ FACT5LZ LZCAPTSU TF3_RLE WINIMPLODE DZIP DZIP_COMBUF, just a placeholder, doesn't work LBALZSS1X, first version of LBALZSS1 (then fixed) LBALZSS2X, first version of LBALZSS2 (then fixed) GHIREN FALCOM_DIN, automatically parses the chunks FALCOM_DIN1, just input->output FALCOM_DIN0, mode 0 FALCOM_DINX, mode X GLZA M99CODER LZ4X TAIKO LZ77EA_970 DRV3_SRD RECET LIZARD, it's just the new name/version of LZ5 MICROVISION DR12AE MSPACK, requires parameters KONAMIAC WOLF0, just WOLF without header ARTSTATION LEVEL5 ZENPXP, dict must contain 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0xd, 0xe or others supported ZENPXP1, raw algo 1 of zenpxp ZENPXP2, raw algo 2 of zenpxp ZENPXP34, raw algo 3,4 of zenpxp ZENPXPde, raw algo d,e of zenpxp liblzs SHREK EA_MADDEN nvcache, used by NVIDIA NV_Cache bin/toc DE_HTML, same as the String command HTML_EASY, same as the String command JSON_VIEWER, same as the String command XML_JSON_PARSER, same as the String command OodleNetwork1UDP_State_Uncompact OodleNetwork1_Shared_SetWindow, dict number of bits OodleNetwork1UDP_Decode, requires the previous usage of OodleNetwork1_Shared_SetWindow and OodleNetwork1UDP_State_Uncompact OodleNetwork1UDP_Encode qcmp1, raw algorithm used in Sleeping Dogs ykcmp lzwab ncompress, like uncompress plus the 3 bytes header swzap mzx LZRRV BCM ULZ SLZ_ROF, untested probably not working LZ4X_NEW COPY2 SLZ_03b MPPC MPPC_BIG alzss clz GTC ANCO ANCO0 ANCO1 ANCO2 ANCO3 ANCO4 ANCO5 konami_lz77 vct_lzs umesoft systemaqua_catf sogma pac_ads ail_lzs agsi foster_fa2 an21 arc_link maika_bk maika_mk2 propeller_mgr qlie avg32_seen sas5_iar seraphim_scn ugos_det aaru_fl4 inspire_ida kurumi_mpk dice_rlz pulltop vnsystem QlzUnpack umesoft_pk tomcat_tcd tail_pren tail_crp0 tail_hp tactics_arc sviu_pkz nekox_gpc rec_arc warc warc10 warc_ylz warc_huff sh_him pandora_pbx origin_lz origin_huffman origin_rle origin_alphav2 garbro_huffman ankh_grp ankh_hdj caramelbox_arc3 caramelbox_arc4 circus_V1 circus_V2 circus_V3 cmvs_cpz daisystem_pac ethornell_bgi fc01_mrg fc01_mrg_quant fc01_pak_lz favorite_lzw frontwing_rle frontwing_huffman g2_gcex gss_arc hypatia_mariel interheart_fpk kaguya_ari kaguya_lin2 kaguya_link kaguya_uf kid_dat lambda_lax microvision_arc moonhir_fpk spack azsys dxlib glibg gamesystem_cmp puremail groover_pcg mnp_mma strikes_pck sega_lz77x neptunia0, headerless chunk puff8 lzh8 romchu lzsd_of lzsd_gfd lzsd_gba2 pzz SL01 rage_xfs wangan1 wangan2 wangan3 wangan5 LZ48 exo_decrunch exo_decrunch_new bitbuster lazy nibrans LZRS_ASOBO lzrhys lze zx0 zx1 zx2 zx5 rzip melt1 melt2 -------------------------------- --- recompression algorithms --- -------------------------------- zlib_compress deflate_compress lzo1_compress lzo1x_compress lzo2a_compress xmemlzx_compress bzip2_compress gzip_compress lzss_compress sfl_block_compress sfl_rle_compress sfl_nulls_compress sfl_bits_compress lzf_compress brieflz_compress jcalg_compress bcl_huf_compress bcl_lz_compress bcl_rice_compress bcl_rle_compress bcl_sf_compress szip_compress huffmanlib_compress lzma_compress lzma_86head_compress lzma_86dec_compress lzma_86dechead_compress lzma_efs_compress falcom_compress kzip_zlib_compress kzip_deflate_compress prs_compress rnc_compress lz4_compress sfl_block_chunked_compress snappy_compress zpaq_compress blosc_compress gipfeli_compress yappy_compress lzg_compress doboz_compress nitrosdk_compress hex_compress base64_compress lzma2_compress lzma2_86head_compress lzma2_86dec_compress lzma2_86dechead_compress lzma2_efs_compress lzma_0_compress lzma2_0_compress stormhuff_compress CT_HughesTransform_compress CT_LZ77_compress CT_ELSCoder_compress CT_RefPack_compress dk2_compress, also as ea_compress, refpack_compress qfs_compress, same as dk2_compress LZHUFXR_COMPRESS, aka STALKER_LZA_COMPRESS FSE_COMPRESS ZSTD_COMPRESS, only current algorithm, no legacy DS_BLZ_COMPRESS DS_HUF_COMPRESS DS_LZE_COMPRESS DS_LZS_COMPRESS DS_LZX_COMPRESS DS_RLE_COMPRESS HEATSHRINK_COMPRESS SMAZ_COMPRESS LZFX_COMPRESS, DARKSECTOR_NOCHUNKS_COMPRESS, FASTLZAH_COMPRESS, EVOLUTION_COMPRESS, UNKNOWN6_COMPRESS PITHY_COMPRESS ZLING_COMPRESS DENSITY_COMPRESS BSC_COMPRESS SHOCO_COMPRESS WFLZ_COMPRESS FASTARI_COMPRESS DICKY_COMPRESS SQUISH_COMPRESS LZHL_COMPRESS LZHAM_COMPRESS TRLE_COMPRESS SRLE_COMPRESS MRLE_COMPRESS CPK_COMPRESS, note that in reimport mode it may not work because the decompression is size dependent so the compressed size will probably change but the value will not be modified in the original archive (the reimport mode changes only the data of the files). if you want it to work you have to manually edit the value from the archive, launch quickbms -V and search something like: . 00000eef get value 0x0000e548 4 . 00000023 get column_name "FileSize" -1 in that example you have to set the new value at offset 0xeef, but note that the new compressed size is not displayed by quickbms LZRW1KH_COMPRESS BPE_COMPRESS NRV2b_COMPRESS NRV2d_COMPRESS NRV2e_COMPRESS LZSS0_COMPRESS, aka PUYO_LZ01_COMPRESS CLZW_COMPRESS QUICKLZ_COMPRESS ZOPFLI_ZLIB_COMPRESS ZOPFLI_DEFLATE_COMPRESS PKWARE_DCL_COMPRESS LZ5_COMPRESS YALZ77_COMPRESS SYNLZ1_COMPRESS SYNLZ2_COMPRESS PPMZ2_COMPRESS EA_JDLZ_COMPRESS OODLE_COMPRESS LZFSE_COMPRESS M99CODER_COMPRESS LZ4X_COMPRESS YUKE_BPE_COMPRESS LZO1A_COMPRESS LZO1B_COMPRESS LZO1C_COMPRESS LZO1F_COMPRESS LZO1Y_COMPRESS LZO1Z_COMPRESS LIZARD_COMPRESS LIBLZS_COMPRESS dizzy_compress level5_compress brotli_compress DRV3_SRD_COMPRESS YAZ0_COMPRESS BIZARRE_COMPRESS BIZARRE_SKIP_COMPRESS BLACKDESERT_COMPRESS DR12AE_COMPRESS EA_COMP_COMPRESS LBALZSS_COMPRESS MOHLZSS_COMPRESS MOHRLE_COMPRESS NISLZS_COMPRESS QCMP1_COMPRESS RFPK_COMPRESS RLEW_COMPRESS SAINT_SEYA_COMPRESS SHREK_COMPRESS SLZ_01_COMPRESS SLZ_02_COMPRESS SLZ_03_COMPRESS UCLPACK_COMPRESS SEGA_LZS2_COMPRESS WOLF_COMPRESS YAKUZA_COMPRESS YKCMP_COMPRESS LZWAB_COMPRESS NCOMPRESS_COMPRESS UNCOMPRESS_COMPRESS LZ4X_NEW_COMPRESS DRAGONBALLZ_COMPRESS MPPC_COMPRESS MPPC_BIG_COMPRESS ZLIBX_COMPRESS, just same as zlib_compress DEFLATEX_COMPRESS, just same as deflate_compress LZ77WII_COMPRESS, use dictionary for cmd, default is 0x40 of DS_LZX_COMPRESS APLIB_COMPRESS LZ4F_COMPRESS LZ5F_COMPRESS ppmdh_compress ppmdi_compress lunar_lz1_compress to lunar_lz19_compress lunar_rle1_compress to lunar_rle4_compress coreonline_compress *note: the updated list is available in comtype.h DICT an optional C string containing the bytes of the dictionary (cstring) or particular parameters depending by the chosen algorithm. Note that DICT can be: - a cstring comtype algo "\x11\x22\x33" // static binary dict - a variable for which, often, you must specify also a length comtype algo DICT DICT_SIZE // variable dict ................................................................... ReverseShort VAR [ENDIAN] Classical swap that inverts a 16bit variable from 0x2211 to 0x1122 and vice versa. Arguments: VAR variable to flip ENDIAN desired endianess like little or big ................................................................... ReverseLong VAR [ENDIAN] Classical swap that inverts a 32bit variable from 0x44332211 to 0x11223344 and vice versa. Arguments: VAR variable to flip ENDIAN desired endianess like little or big ................................................................... ReverseLongLong VAR [ENDIAN] Classical swap that inverts a 32bit variable from 0x8877665544332211 to 0x1122334455667788 and vice versa. This command works only with quickbms_4gb_files.exe Arguments: VAR variable to flip ENDIAN desired endianess like little or big ................................................................... Endian TYPE [VAR] It changes the current global endianess of the read/written data, the default one is little endian. Arguments: TYPE - little, intel 0x11223344 is stored as 44 33 22 11 - big, network 0x11223344 is stored as 11 22 33 44 - swap, change, invert swap the current endianess, big <-> little - guess followed by a 32bit number. The function swaps the number and compares it with the original one so if the number is 0x04000000 then the swapped one will be 0x4 and the tool will change the global endianess and the one of the variable - guess16 followed by a 16bit number - guess64 followed by a 64bit number - guess24 followed by a 24bit number - save, store stores the current endian in VAR: 1=big, 0=little Examples: print "little endian" endian big print "big endian" endian little print "little endian" endian change print "little->big endian" endian guess 0x04000000 print "guess endian" endian save CURRENT_ENDIAN if CURRENT_ENDIAN == 0 print "little endian" else print "big endian" endif endian set CURRENT_ENDIAN ................................................................... FileXOR SEQ [OFFSET] [FILENUM] Any read operation (Get, *Log and so on) on any file will also perform the XORing of the read data with the numbers contained in the given string or in the given variable. The OFFSET field by default is zero which means that if the data must be xored with more than one byte (a "xor key") the first byte of the key is the first byte at OFFSET which is 0 by default (beginning of the file). Recap: the FileXOR command works with ANY file access. Arguments: SEQ Sequence of space-separated 8bit numbers, like: - asequence of bytes separated by space like 0x12 or "0x12 0x34 0x56" or directly a C hex string like "\x12\x34\x56" (NOT a C notation!) - a numeric variable like MYXORKEY - a string not starting with numbers, '\' or '-' Currently it's not possible to use a key in string mode and use the Encryption command for doing it, so if you have a string convert it to a numeric sequence first or be sure that it doesn't start with the chars shown above. Set it to 0 or "" for disabling the xor. Note that SEQ can be also a 32bit signed number like filexor 0x11223344 but the size is decided by value so 0x00000022 is 8 bit and not 32, while -0x20 is considered 8bit and 0x80112233 a 32bit. OFFSET Needed only for the xor key offset. If the archive is xored with a xor key from its beginning (so first byte of the archive xored with the first one of the key) this argument is usually not necessary Instead if only the file to extract is xored, this argument must have the same offset of the file (so just reuse the same OFFSET used in Log) FILENUM By default FileXOR is applied to ALL the files and OFFSET (if specified) is referred to file 0. When FILENUM is specified, it will only be applied to that specific file. Examples: filexor 0xff filexor -0x20 filexor 0x1122 # 32bit filexor -0x1122 # 32bit filexor "0x12 0x34 123 255" filexor MYXORBYTE saepos OFFSET filexor "0x12 0x34 123 255" OFFSET filexor "\x12\x34\x7b\xff" Log NAME OFFSET SIZE ................................................................... FileRot SEQ [OFFSET] [FILENUM] Exactly as for FileXOR but it performs a sum operation. For example if SEQ is 0x01 and the file contains "hello" it will become "ifmmp" while if SEQ is -1 or 0xff it will become "gdkkn". -1 and 0xff are the same because it's a 8 bit number while 0x100 or -0x100 are considered 32bit. Recap: the FileRot command works with ANY file access Watch the previous arguments and examples. ................................................................... FileCrypt SEQ [OFFSET] [FILENUM] Experimental, it works only if has been already specified and enabled the Encryption command and basically applies those algorithms to the normal file reading operations. Note that at the moment OFFSET is unused and SEQ can be only 1 for activating it and "" to disable it ("" and NOT 0!). Remember that the encryption algorithms usually work on blocks of data so this command is probably useless. Full example: get NAMESZ long encryption xor "\x11\x22\x33\x44" filecrypt 1 getdstring NAME NAMESZ filecrypt "" encryption "" "" ................................................................... Strlen VAR VAR [SIZE] It calculates the length of the second variable (as string) and stores it in the first one. The length is the amount of consecutive non-zero bytes, so it doesn't work with unicode strings, maybe only if SIZE is set. Note that for practical reasons this command can be emulated also using "set VAR strlen VAR". arguments VAR Destination variable which will contain the length VAR Variable of which calculating the length SIZE set it to 1 to receive the size of the variable instead of its NUL delimited lenght, may be useful in some situations where you need to ignore the 0x00 bytes examples strlen NAME_LENGTH NAME strlen NAMESZ NAME strlen RAW_NAMESZ NAME 1 ................................................................... GetVarChr VAR VAR OFFSET [TYPE] A particular and sometimes very useful command which works exactly like accessing an array of elements contained in the second variable, for example a string or a memory file. It can be compared to C as: var1 = var2[offset]; This simple and effective method allows the manipulation of strings and variables for creating custom headers (like a DDS) and moreover for performing operations on a piece of the memory, like a custom encryption algorithm. Some real examples are my Deer Hunter 2004/2005 scripts. Arguments: VAR Destination variable that will contain the element VAR Variable or memory file from which you want to get the element OFFSET Position of the element in the second variable TYPE Type of the element to read and assign to the first variable, if not specified it's a BYTE (8bit). You can specify most of the available datatypes like short, long, longlong and so on Examples: For i = 0 < SIZE GetVarChr TMP MEMORY_FILE i GetVarChr TMP MEMORY_FILE i long # GetVarChr TMP MEMORY_FILE i string Next i ................................................................... PutVarChr VAR OFFSET VAR [TYPE] The "write-mode" alternative of the previous command which allows to perform various complex operations with custom algorithms (like in my Deer Hunter 2004/2005 scripts). It can be compared to C as: var1[offset] = var2; Note that PutVarChr can be also used as an allocator of memory that is often useful in the implementation of custom decompression algorithms or, moreover, for pre-allocating a MEMORY_FILE for storing chunks. This is useful to avoid wasting time and memory with the incremental allocation, remember only to use the command "Log MEMORY_FILE 0 0" after it for resetting the position of the MEMORY_FILE. arguments VAR Variable or memory file in which you want to put the element OFFSET Position of the output where placing the element, it can also be negative in which case it will work from the end of the variable (may not work in some conditions) VAR Source variable which will contain the element to write, it's also possible to store the address of the variable which may be useful with external DLLs TYPE Type of the element to read and assign to the first variable, if not specified it's a BYTE (8bit). You can specify most of the available datatypes like short, long, longlong and so on. Examples: For i = 0 < SIZE GetVarChr TMP MEMORY_FILE i Math TMP ^= 0xff PutVarChr MEMORY_FILE i TMP Next i ................................................................... Debug [MODE] Switch command that enables the -v option in real-time for a specific portion of the script, used only for debugging. If MODE is specified and it's a positive number, QuickBMS will only display the content of the variables read/written with the Get/Put commands. This is very useful and cool for debugging file formats and protocols in an easy way just like -V. If MODE is negative, it will disable the verbose mode. Examples: debug # like -v debug 0 # like -v debug 1 # like -V debug -1 # disable -v/V ................................................................... Padding VAR [FILENUM] [BASE_OFF] When called it performs an automatic GoTo to the next position of the file skipping the aligned data. Imagine to have a file where it's used an alignment of 4 bytes and your current file offset is 0x39, if you use Padding 4 the offset will be automatically changed to 0x3c. By default the padding is referred to the beginning of the file (offset 0). Arguments: VAR Size of the alignment, like 4 or 16 and so on FILENUM Number of the file associated to the archive (0) BASE_OFF base offset from where calculating the padding (0) Examples: Get NAME string Padding 4 get OFFSET long ................................................................... Append [DIRECTION] Command to enable the append mode in the *Log commands, so if the output filename already exists it will not be overwritten, the new content is concatenated (appended) to the existent one. Note that with real files (not memory files) the user may be prompted before writing the output file if it already existed before the running of the script. Note that the reimport mode may not work correctly when you use a combo of MEMORY_FILE and Append, so the direct and more simple Log to file + Append is suggested. Note that from QuickBMS 0.11 the Append command also affects the Put* commands (Put/PutDString/PutCT). Arguments: DIRECTION This is a new optional argument that allows to specify where placing the new content: -1 prefix: a negative value means that the new content will be placed before the current file, so the old content will be appended to the new one 0 append: the new content will be appended to the current one (default, just like without DIRECTION) 1 overwrite: the new content will overwrite the current one without changing the file size if the new one is smaller, use goto to set the offset where placing the new content. 2 insert: the new content will be inserted in the current position (size = position + data + remaining) Examples: append Log "dump.dat" 0 0x10 Log "dump.dat" 0x10 0x100 The following is a particular example for allocating a MEMORY_FILE and using it instead of TEMPORARY_FILE saving space on the disk and performances: math TMP = CHUNKS math TMP *= 0x8000 log MEMORY_FILE 0 0 putvarchr MEMORY_FILE TMP 0 # pre-allocation for speed log MEMORY_FILE 0 0 # reset the position and size append for i = 0 < CHUNKS ... clog MEMORY_FILE OFFSET ZSIZE 0x8000 next i append get SIZE asize MEMORY_FILE ................................................................... Encryption ALGO KEY [IVEC] [MODE] [KEYLEN] One of the most interesting commands which allows to set a decryption algorithm used for the Log and CLog command. QuickBMS supports also the hashing algorithms of OpenSSL, the binary hash will be placed in the variable QUICKBMS_HASH while the hexadecimal hash in QUICKBMS_HEXHASH (capital letters) and QUICKBMS_HEXHASHL (low). Note that the hashing algorithms don't need a key, but you can use that field for performing a direct hash operation on the provided key without using the log command, eg: encryption sha1 "mystring". You can also specify the size in case it's a binary variable, eg: encryption md5 "mystring" "" 0 8 For the HMAC hash algorithm you must use the IVEC field, anyway remember that this feature is just optional. Regarding the OpenSSL algorithms, it's possible to enable the "Final" mode by using one of the following prefixes: CipherFinal, DecryptFinal or EncryptFinal (it's a way used by OpenSSL to get the original size from block-cipher data). Arguments: ALGO aes, Rijndael blowfish, you should try also bf_ecb if the result is not the expected one des 3des-112 3des-168 rc4 tea, use IVEC to specify custom delta, sum, endian (0/1), cycles and if_invert_delta_operation xtea, use IVEC to specify custom delta, endian (0/1), cycles and if_invert_delta_operation xxtea, use IVEC to specify custom delta, endian (0/1), cycles and if_invert_delta_operation idea swap, use the bytes to swap as key, it works just like reverseshort and reverselong: encryption swap 2: 2211 -> 1122 reverseshort, swap 2 reverselong, swap 4 math, exactly like the bms command plus the size of the numbers: encryption math "^u= 0x11223344 1" 32 encryption math "n #INPUT#" # decrypt = -encrypt it means that this encryption can do tons of operations including xor, rot, rotate and so on. the "1" after the math operation means if we want to respect the exact size of each element like a sort of AND SIZE (default ignore). ivec is the size of each element (8bits default) xmath, key is the operation to perform for each element, ivec is the size of each element (8 bits default) use #INPUT# to identify the element in the data: encryption xmath "((#INPUT# + 1) << 2) + #INPUT#" 8 random, pseudo random incrementer (Linear congruential generator) xored with the input key contains a number corresponding to the algorithms listed on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear%5Fcongruential%5Fgenerator#Parameters_in_common_use (0 is the first one) plus other algorithms like mersenne and so on. the second parameter in the key is the seed. the third one is the mask of bits of the key to use for the operation. ivec is the size of each element (8bits default). encryption random "0 0x12345678" encryption random "0 0x12345678" 32 # 32bit values encryption random "0 0x12345678 0x7fff0000" # value ^ ((key >> 16) & 0x7fff) you must check the src\myenc.c source code to have the full list, currently over 17 implemented xor rot rotate, an 8/16/32/64bit ror or any other bit as key, element size as ivec reverse, flip the file from the end to beginning flip, flip the bits of input file, reverse flip 8 incremental, # 8bit xor incremented by 1 each time encryption "incremental xor" 0 0x01 # 32bit rot starting from 0x100 incremented by # 0x11223344 each time, if the initial value # is <= 0xffff it's a 16bit, <= 0xff is 8bit, # the increment is checked too for guessing encryption "incremental rot" 0x12345 0x11223344 # forced 32bit encryption "incremental rot32" 0x12345 0x11223344 charset, the substitution algorithm which uses a charset of 256 chars charset2, as above but substitution is inverted twofish cast5 seed serpent ice icecrypt, ICE algorithm with key implemented as in the homonym program, the difference with "ice" is ONLY in the key rotor, ivec contains the number of rotors (6 by default, it was 12 till version 0.10.0) ssc, Leverage SSC wincrypt, aka cryptdecrypt or cryptencrypt use the ivec field to specify: (only those you need, not all are necessary): - the hashing algorithm - CryptCreateHash, you can find the key here - the encryption algorithm - CryptDeriveKey - the provider type - CryptAcquireContext - Microsoft provider name, like MS_DEF_DH_SCHANNEL_PROV - CryptDeriveKey flags, like CRYPT_CREATE_SALT - CryptDecrypt flags, like CRYPT_OAEP example: encryption CryptDecrypt "mykey" "CALG_MD5 CALG_RC4 PROV_RSA_FULL" encryption CryptDecrypt "1111" "CALG_MD5 CALG_RC4 PROV_RSA_FULL CRYPT_CREATE_SALT CRYPT_OAEP" cryptunprotect, key is used to specify the entropy so the default is "" zipcrypto, the first 12 bytes are the encryption header set the ivec to 1 for automatically cutting the first 12 bytes md_null, from OpenSSL (does nothing) md2, from OpenSSL (not available) md4, from OpenSSL md5, from OpenSSL sha, from OpenSSL sha1, from OpenSSL dss, from OpenSSL dss1, from OpenSSL ecdsa, from OpenSSL sha224, from OpenSSL sha256, from OpenSSL sha384, from OpenSSL sha512, from OpenSSL mdc2, from OpenSSL ripemd160, from OpenSSL whirlpool, from OpenSSL hmac ..., hmac plus an OpenSSL hash algorithm, it's an encrypted hash so you must provide a key. example for a hmac sha1 on the fly: encryption "hmac sha1" "mykey" "mydata" or encryption "hmac sha1" "mykey" log MEMORY_FILE 0 SIZE print "%QUICKBMS_HEXHASH%" enc_null, from OpenSSL (does nothing) des_ecb, from OpenSSL des_ede, from OpenSSL des_ede3, from OpenSSL des_ede_ecb, from OpenSSL des_ede3_ecb, from OpenSSL des_cfb64, from OpenSSL des_cfb1, from OpenSSL des_cfb8, from OpenSSL des_ede_cfb64, from OpenSSL des_ede_cfb1, from OpenSSL des_ede_cfb8, from OpenSSL des_ede3_cfb64, from OpenSSL des_ede3_cfb1, from OpenSSL des_ede3_cfb8, from OpenSSL des_ofb, from OpenSSL des_ede_ofb, from OpenSSL des_ede3_ofb, from OpenSSL des_cbc, from OpenSSL des_ede_cbc, from OpenSSL des_ede3_cbc, from OpenSSL desx_cbc, from OpenSSL dev_crypto_des_ede3_cbc, from OpenSSL dev_crypto_rc4, from OpenSSL dev_crypto_md5, from OpenSSL rc4, from OpenSSL rc4_40, from OpenSSL idea_ecb, from OpenSSL idea_cfb64, from OpenSSL idea_ofb, from OpenSSL idea_cbc, from OpenSSL rc2_ecb, from OpenSSL rc2_cbc, from OpenSSL rc2_40_cbc, from OpenSSL rc2_64_cbc, from OpenSSL rc2_cfb64, from OpenSSL rc2_ofb, from OpenSSL bf_ecb, from OpenSSL (bf stands for blowfish) the result is different than the "blowfish" type because the other uses big endian, try both bf_cbc, from OpenSSL bf_cfb64, from OpenSSL bf_ofb, from OpenSSL cast5_ecb, from OpenSSL cast5_cbc, from OpenSSL cast5_cfb64, from OpenSSL cast5_ofb, from OpenSSL rc5_32_12_16_cbc, from OpenSSL (not available) rc5_32_12_16_ecb, from OpenSSL (not available) rc5_32_12_16_cfb64, from OpenSSL (not available) rc5_32_12_16_ofb, from OpenSSL (not available) aes_128_ecb, from OpenSSL aes_128_cbc, from OpenSSL aes_128_cfb1, from OpenSSL aes_128_cfb8, from OpenSSL aes_128_cfb128, from OpenSSL aes_128_ofb, from OpenSSL aes_128_ctr, from OpenSSL aes_192_ecb, from OpenSSL aes_192_cbc, from OpenSSL aes_192_cfb1, from OpenSSL aes_192_cfb8, from OpenSSL aes_192_cfb128, from OpenSSL aes_192_ofb, from OpenSSL aes_192_ctr, from OpenSSL aes_256_ecb, from OpenSSL aes_256_cbc, from OpenSSL aes_256_cfb1, from OpenSSL aes_256_cfb8, from OpenSSL aes_256_cfb128, from OpenSSL aes_256_ofb, from OpenSSL aes_256_ctr, from OpenSSL camellia_128_ecb, from OpenSSL camellia_128_cbc, from OpenSSL camellia_128_cfb1, from OpenSSL camellia_128_cfb8, from OpenSSL camellia_128_cfb128, from OpenSSL camellia_128_ofb, from OpenSSL camellia_192_ecb, from OpenSSL camellia_192_cbc, from OpenSSL camellia_192_cfb1, from OpenSSL camellia_192_cfb8, from OpenSSL camellia_192_cfb128, from OpenSSL camellia_192_ofb, from OpenSSL camellia_256_ecb, from OpenSSL camellia_256_cbc, from OpenSSL camellia_256_cfb1, from OpenSSL camellia_256_cfb8, from OpenSSL camellia_256_cfb128, from OpenSSL camellia_256_ofb, from OpenSSL seed_ecb, from OpenSSL seed_cbc, from OpenSSL seed_cfb128, from OpenSSL seed_ofb, from OpenSSL mcrypt blowfish mcrypt des mcrypt tripledes mcrypt threeway mcrypt gost mcrypt safer-sk64 mcrypt safer-sk128 mcrypt cast-128 mcrypt xtea mcrypt rc2 mcrypt twofish mcrypt cast-256 mcrypt saferplus mcrypt loki97 mcrypt serpent mcrypt rijndael-128 mcrypt rijndael-192 mcrypt rijndael-256 mcrypt enigma mcrypt arcfour mcrypt wake note that for the algorithms supported by mcrypt you can force their loading by preceeding ALGO with "mcrypt" like "mcrypt_enigma" and you can decide also their mode like "mcrypt_enigma_ecb" or "mcrypt_enigma_cbc", list: cbc, ecb, cfb, ofb and nofb 3way skipjack anubis aria crypton frog gost lucifer mars misty1 noekeon seal safer kirk, used in PSP eboot encryption, use the ivec to specify the keys/encryption (default is 1, refer to libkirk for more information) pc1, automatic 128/256 bit selection on key length blake224 blake256 blake384 blake512 bmw224 bmw256 bmw384 bmw512 cubehash224 cubehash256 cubehash384 cubehash512 echo224 echo256 echo384 echo512 fugue224 fugue256 fugue384 fugue512 groestl224 groestl256 groestl384 groestl512 hamsi224 hamsi256 hamsi384 hamsi512 haval128_3 haval128_4 haval128_5 haval160_3 haval160_4 haval160_5 haval192_3 haval192_4 haval192_5 haval224_3 haval224_4 haval224_5 haval256_3 haval256_4 haval256_5 jh224 jh256 jh384 jh512 keccak224 keccak256 keccak384 keccak512 luffa224 luffa256 luffa384 luffa512 md2 md4 md5 panama radiogatun32 radiogatun64 ripemd ripemd128 ripemd160 sha0 sha1 sha224 sha256 sha384 sha512 shabal192 shabal224 shabal256 shabal384 shabal512 shavite224 shavite256 shavite384 shavite512 simd224 simd256 simd384 simd512 skein224 skein256 skein384 skein512 tiger tiger2 whirlpool whirlpool0 whirlpool1 sph mpq rc6 xor_prev < data[i] ^= data[i - 1] use key + or - to use operations different than xor and the value to use for the last byte, "^ 0x8e" xor_prev2 < data[i] ^= data[i + 1] " xor_next > data[i] ^= data[i - 1] " xor_next2 > data[i] ^= data[i + 1] " PKCS5_PBKDF2_HMAC, example PKCS5_PBKDF2_HMAC_sha1 Rfc2898DeriveBytes BytesToKey, example "BytesToKey_sha1 aes" ZIP_AES followed by 128, 192 or 256 (gladman cwc) rsa rsa_tomcrypt modpow, just a simple RSA BN_mod_exp performed on chunks of 256 bytes modpow_zed abc achterbahn achterbahn128 cryptmt dicing dragon edon80 ffcsr8 fubuki grain grain128 hc128 hc256 hermes128 hermes80 lex mag mickey mickey128 mir1 mosquito moustique nls polarbear pomaranch py rabbit salsa20 sfinks sosemanuk sss trivium tsc3 tsc4 wg yamb aes_ige aes_bi_ige aes_heat, used in the game Heat Online isaac isaac_vernam isaac_caesar hsel rng, just random data, useful with filecrypt for generating (read/write) random fields, currently key is ignored so use "" bcrypt, it supports various options like: encryption "bcrypt aes cbc block_padding" KEY IVEC molebox replace, replace the bytes of KEY with IVEC (currently must be smaller or equal) rc4_nokey, the specified key will be used directly as the 256-bytes context d3des spookyhash, 32/64/128 murmurhash, qhashfnv1_32, qhashfnv1_64, qhashmurmur3_32, qhashmurmur3_128 xxhash, XXH32, XXH3_64bits_withSecret, XXH3_128bits_withSecret, XXH3_128bits_withSecret, XXH128, XXH3_64bits_withSecret, XXH64 tomcrypt modes: ecb, cfb, ofb, cbc, ctr, lrw, f8, xts, hmac, omac, pmac, eax, ocb3, ocb, ccm, gcm, pelican, xcbc, f9, poly1305, chacha20poly1305, blake2smac, blake2bmac encryptions: blowfish, rc5, rc6, rc2, saferp, safer_k64, safer_k128, safer_sk64, safer_sk128, rijndael, aes, rijndael_enc, aes_enc, xtea, twofish, des, des3, cast5, noekeon, skipjack, khazad, anubis, kseed, kasumi, camellia hashing: multi2, chc, whirlpool, sha512, sha512-256, sha512-224, sha384, sha256, sha224, sha1, md5, md4, md2, tiger, rmd128, rmd160, rmd256, rmd320 example: Encryption "tomcrypt rijndael ecb" "0123456789abcdef" PBKDF1 PBKDF1_openssl PBKDF2 crc, a complete and powerful checksum function that can be fully configured: - key is the polynomial ("" for crc32 0x77073096) - ivec contains: - size of the crc (8/16/32/64) - initial value (like -1) - final xor value (-1, the complement) - type, many types listed in crc_calc in crc.c, it also includes qhashmurmur3_32, qhashfnv1_32, qhashfnv1_64, jenkins_one_at_a_time_hash, XXH32, XXH64, xPear16, CityHash32, CityHash64, CityHash64WithSeed, StormHash, jenkins_hashlittle, adler32, fnv32, UHash, spookyhash_32, spookyhash_64 - reverse/reflect mode for generating the table (0 or 1) - bitmask_side (0 or 1, latter is most used) default values: 0xedb88320 32 -1 -1 0 0 1 if you need the classical crc16 (0xc0c1) use: encryption crc 0xa001 "16 0 0 0 0 1" or encryption crc "" 16 the result is placed in the variable QUICKBMS_CRC example for type 39: encryption crc 0 "0 0 0 39 0 1" for additional info: http://aluigi.org/bms/quickbms_crc_engine.txt for technical information about the operations check the crc_calc function in crc.c, it's quite easy to understand because it contains the simple operations performed in each cycle, copy below: 0 table[(BYTE ^ CRC) & 0xff] ^ (CRC >> 8) 1 table[(BYTE ^ (CRC >> (bits - 8))) & 0xff] ^ (CRC << 8) 2 ((CRC << 8) | BYTE) ^ table[(CRC >> (bits - 8)) & 0xff] 3 ((CRC >> 1) + ((CRC & 1) << (bits - 1))) + BYTE 4 crc_in_cksum(CRC) 5 CRC ^ BYTE 6 CRC + BYTE // lose lose 7 table[(BYTE ^ CRC) & 0xff] ^ CRC 8 table[(BYTE ^ CRC) & 0xff] ^ (CRC >> (bits - 8)) 9 (CRC << 1) ^ BYTE 10 (CRC << 1) + BYTE 11 rol(CRC, 1, 0) ^ BYTE 12 rol(CRC, 1, 0) + BYTE 13 ror(CRC, 1, 0) ^ BYTE 14 ror(CRC, 1, 0) + BYTE 15 (CRC << 5) + CRC + BYT) // djb2 5381 16 (CRC * poly) + BYTE // djb2 and sdbm 17 (CRC * poly) ^ BYTE // djb2 and FNV-1 18 (CRC ^ BYTE) * poly) // FNV-1a 19 BYTE + (CRC << 6) + (CRC << 16) - CRC // sdbm 65599 20 poly * (CRC + BYTE * (i + 1)) 21 qhashmurmur3_32 22 qhashfnv1_32 23 qhashfnv1_64 24 XXH32(poly) 25 XXH64(, poly) 26 jenkins_one_at_a_time_hash 27 xPear16 28 CityHash32 29 CityHash64 30 CityHash64WithSeed(poly) 31 StormHash(MPQ_HASH_TABLE_INDEX) 32 StormHash(MPQ_HASH_NAME_A) 33 StormHash(MPQ_HASH_NAME_B) 34 StormHash(MPQ_HASH_FILE_KEY) 35 StormHash(MPQ_HASH_KEY2_MIX) 36 jenkins_hashlittle(poly) 37 adler32 38 fnv32(crc ? crc : 0x811c9dc5) 39 UHash(crc, poly, 0x7fffffff) 40 spookyhash_32(poly) 41 spookyhash_64(poly) 42 XXH3_64bits 43 XXH3_64bits_withSeed(poly) note that some crc types use the polynomial value as constant in each cycle crc64 and 64bit crc are only supported by quickbms_4gb_files.exe if you are a dev and need the generated table, use the following command with quickbms -V or -v: print "%QUICKBMS_CRC_TABLE%" EXECUTE: use KEY to specify the command to execute with #INPUT# instead of input filename and #OUTPUT# for the output one, you can also specify a variable by using the %VAR% notation. IMPORTANT NOTE: do NOT use "encryption execute" if the output will be bigger than the input, use Clog in that case! example: encryption EXECUTE "mycrypt.exe d #INPUT# #OUTPUT#" another full example: get SIZE asize encryption EXECUTE "lame.exe -V 4 #INPUT# #OUTPUT#" log "newfile.mp3" 0 SIZE encryption EXECUTE "otherprog.exe #INPUT# #OUTPUT# %SIZE%" log "newfile2.mp3" 0 SIZE CALLDLL: exactly as above except that the variables don't need to be specified within '%' because calldll already handles them, but don't worry because even if you do that the result should not change: encryption calldll "test.dll myfunction cdecl RET #INPUT# #INPUT_SIZE# MYVAR" get SIZE asize log "newfile.mp3" 0 SIZE full support also for pointers using the '&' or '*' prefix like &MEMORY_FILE, &VAR, &#INPUT#, &INPUT_SIZE "" "", disable the encryption KEY The key to use with escapes like "\x11\x22\x33\x44" or "this is my key" (cstring) This value can be also a variable or a memory file set ALGO and KEY to "" for disabling the encryption IVEC The ivec to use in C notation (cstring), an ivec is an additional key used for increasing the security of encryption algorithms that are usually defined as ECB without ivec and CBC (and others) with ivec MODE 0 for decryption (default), 1 for forcing the encryption mode, if no ivec is used remember to place a "" at its place KEYLEN Forces the usage of a certain length of the key, this one has been introduced only for avoiding the problem of using a variable as KEY containing zeroes in it and for the non-block ciphers when you use KEY as a variable in which a certain length is used and not strlen. KEYLEN is also necessary with some algorithms when you set the key as a "string" variable (Set KEY string "blah"), that's because QuickBMS will pass a different larger length to the algorithm Examples: Encryption aes "0123456789abcdef" "" 1 # encrypt without ivec Log MEMORY_FILE 0 SIZE Encryption aes "0123456789abcdef" # decrypt without ivec Log "redecrypted_file.dat" 0 SIZE MEMORY_FILE Encryption aes "\x12\x34\x56\x78" set MEMORY_FILE binary "\x12\x34\x56\x78" Encryption aes MEMORY_FILE Encryption aes MY_VARIABLE Encryption md5 "" ................................................................... Print MESSAGE It prints a string in C notation with the values of the variables if their names are specified between '%' chars. It's also possible to specify the maximum amount of bytes to visualize (or a variable containing such value) and if they must be displayed in hex or dump mode specifying some flags after a '|' like in the examples: - x/h/hex: hexadecimal numbers and chars - dump: hexadecimal dump, left in hex and right in chars - number: amount of bytes to show - var: variable containing the amount of bytes to show Arguments: MESSAGE C notation string, each %VAR% word is converted to its value (cstring) From version 0.11 it also supports combinations of colors using the {FB} notation for Foreground and Background color using ANSI notation (it also supports the full name): 0: Black 8: Bright Black 1: Red 9: Bright Red 2: Green a: Bright Green 3: Yellow b: Bright Yellow 4: Blue c: Bright Blue 5: Magenta d: Bright Magenta 6: Cyan e: Bright Cyan 7: White f: Bright White Examples: print "the variable OFFSET of the file %FILENAME% has the value %OFFSET|x%" print "this is the first line\nthis is the second line\n" print "variable %VAR% and %VAR2%" print "variable %VAR|h% and %VAR2|hex%" print "variable %VAR|3% and %VAR2|4%" print "variable %VAR|3h% and %VAR2|h4%" print "variable %VAR|dump16%" print "variable %VAR|dumpVARSZ%" print "\x68\x65\x6c\x6c\x6f" print "Hello, {1}how are you?{}\n{f}Fine!{} ... {0f}also this {green}closing{/green} works" ................................................................... GetArray VAR ARRAY VAR_IDX ... PutArray ARRAY VAR_IDX VAR Commands to store variables in bidimensional arrays. They work on a dynamic array where it's possible to store the variables. Something like a temporary place or a stack. It's highly suggested to pre-allocate the array if you know the max value, example: PutArray 0 FILES 0 If the array index (VAR_IDX) is negative like -1: - getarray will take the element located at that position from the end of the array, so "getarray VAR 0 -1" will take the last element while "getarray VAR 0 -2" will take the one before - putarray will ever append the element at the end of the array, currently there is no difference if you use VAR_IDX -1, -2, -1000 - getarray will return the number of elements in the array if the negative amount is bigger than the elements... a sort of work-around like: getarray ELEMENTS 0 -0x80000000 Examples: PutArray 0 0 FIRST_VAR PutArray 0 1 SECOND_VAR GetArray FIRST_VAR 0 0 GetArray SECOND_VAR 0 1 getarray FILES 0 -0x80000000 for i = 0 < FILES putarray 0 -1 VAR next i Note: since quickbms 0.11 both getarray and putarray also support multiple variables, for example: putarray 0 i NAME OFFSET SIZE getarray NAME OFFSET SIZE 0 i it's the same of: putarray 0 i NAME putarray 1 i OFFSET putarray 2 i SIZE getarray NAME 0 i getarray OFFSET 1 i getarray SIZE 2 i ................................................................... SortArray ARRAY [ALL] Experimental sorting of the arrays in ascending order (like 0 to 99) based on the values in ARRAY. If ALL is a number different than zero, the sorting will affect ALL the available arrays created till that moment, which means that their positions will match those of the sorted array, so if the array 0 was "1" "3" "2" and array 1 was "hello" "test" "bye", with ALL set to 1 you will have 1 2 3 and "hello" "bye" "test". From QuickBMS 0.7.7 the sorting is unsigned, so -1 is handled as 0xffffffff, the highest element of the array. Examples: putarray 0 0 "zzz" putarray 0 1 "aaa" putarray 0 2 "bbb" sortarray 0 for i = 0 < 3 getarray TMP 0 i print "%TMP%" next i ................................................................... SearchArray VAR ARRAY VAR Experimental search in arrays. Examples: searcharray IDX 0 "search value" searcharray IDX 0 0x11223344 ................................................................... CallFunction NAME [KEEP_VAR] [ARG1] [ARG2] ... [ARGn] StartFunction NAME ... EndFunction Calling and declaration of a function identified by NAME where the values of the variables are backed up till the termination of the function when they are restored. It works very well for recursive/nested archives like those used by "The Void" and "Another Day". If KEEP_VAR is not specified or zero, QuickBMS will make a backup of the current values and the function will work on a copy, when the function terminates the variables will be restored to their backup. If KEEP_VAR is set to 1, there will be no backup and any change made in the function will remain when it terminates. Do not use KEEP_VAR if you are working on a nested/recursive file table, use it to 1 if you are creating a macro or a function called many times to perform a task. It's a good idea to place all the functions (from StartFunction till EndFunction) at the end of the scripts. It's also possible to pass optional arguments to the function, they will have the name of the function plus ARGnumber, eg: MYFUNCTION_ARG1 and MYFUNCTION_ARG2. Doesn't exist a return value at the moment but it's possible to do it in other ways like saving the value in an array or on a MEMORY_FILE. Arguments: NAME Name assigned to the function KEEP_VAR Set to 1 if you want to keep the content of the variables without resetting them, in short words: 0 = for recursive functions (default) 1 = for normal functions that change variables, this is faster and suggested in most cases ARGs Arguments, they are seen inside the function as "name of the function" + ARG + argument_number Examples: http://aluigi.org/bms/thevoid.bms http://aluigi.org/bms/fear.bms ................................................................... ScanDir PATH NAME SIZE [FILTER] Function without a real usage, it simply scans the PATH folder and fills the NAME and SIZE variables with the name and the size of each file found. Currently this function doesn't have a purpose so ignore it. If you want to filter the scanned files located in the folder you specified as input, use the -F option of quickbms (I tell this information because some users may think to "wrongly" use this command for that purpose). Arguments: PATH Must be ".", the current folder and the returned filenames will start with ./ From quickbms 0.9.1 you can just use "" There are also some "experimental" values not meant for normal usage, with optional file number after "://" (heap://10 will work on the file number 10): process:// processes on the system: NAME=process SIZE=pid module:// modules in the opened process: NAME=address SIZE=size memory:// allocated blocks of memory: NAME=address SIZE=size heap:// every single allocated heap (slow!): NAME=address SIZE=size NAME Output variable receiving the name of the file, it will be "" when there are no other files SIZE Output variable receiving the size of the file, it will be -1 when there are no other files FILTER Same job as -F, this filter is valid only if -F wasn't specified Examples: For ScanDir "." NAME SIZE if NAME == "" cleanexit endif Next ... For ScanDir "." NAME SIZE "*.jpg" if NAME == "" cleanexit endif Next ................................................................... CallDLL DLLNAME FUNC/OFF CONV RET [ARG1] [ARG2] ... [ARGn] Command that allows to use plugins inside QuickBMS. The idea came from the possibility of using the custom decompression and decryption functions located in executables and DLLs avoiding the boring reverse engineering of all the functions. It works with both real files and MEMORY_FILEs (even if they contain dll data!). Unfortunately this is not much possible with the functions got from executables where are used static variables due to some technical reasons, in fact it's not possible to relocate them in memory. For example if the function uses the memory between 006c0000 and 006d0000 it's highly possible that such range of memory is not allocated or is already in use because the executable has not been loaded (LoadLibrary) in its original address, that space is already occupied. There are no problems with DLLs, they are made to be relocated. You can even use a dll inside a MEMORY_FILE but be sure it's not packed because it may not work. And it's also possible to use a raw data containing maching instructions, basically you can dump a function "as is" and putting it in a MEMORY_FILE. That means that the following situations are OK: - raw dumped functions or static memory - DLLs - "maybe" some executables loaded as DLLs Arguments: DLLNAME Name of the dll, executable, file or MEMORY_FILE where is located the function, example "mylib.dll" FUNC/OFF It can be the name of the function to import in which case it must be exported by the dll/exe with a name (pay attention to mangled names!) Or the relative offset where is located the function, remember that the relative offset is NOT the absolute one but it's the offset related to the image base of the exe/dll, so if normally the dll loads at offset 10000000 and the function is at 10012345 then the offset is 0x12345 CONV Calling convention, check calling_convention.h: usercall: allows to set all the 6 x86 registers, any argument after 6th will be pushed on stack cdecl: used by default in many C/C++ compiler stdcall: aka winapi, used by default in Visual C thiscall msfastcall: Microsoft fastcall fastcall: native fastcall borland: the fastcall convention used by the Borland compilers like Delphi pascal watcom safecall syscall optlink carion tcc: use this type to compile the text of the input memory file like a C source code, it automatically wraps the file operations like fgetc/fputc/fread/fwrite on the input/output python: use the memory file like a python script and invoking its functions, QuickBMS variables are globally visible in the script (read-only numbers, writable strings and data) lua: Lua script imagebase: address where the code/dll is loaded address: just imagebase plus OFF entrypoint: the entry point of the executable file2rva: relative virtual address of OFF file2va: imagebase plus file2rva rva2file: file offset of the provided RVA va2file: file offset of the virtual address RET The variable which will contain the value returned by the function, use "" if there is no return value If you use *RET or &RET then the return value will be copied in the RET variable as a string [ARGS] All the arguments of the function, it's also possible to use pointers to arguments if they are preceded by a & or a * like &SIZE which means that the dll/code receives the address of that variable and can modify its content. It works only with numeric variables Examples: idstring LZ2K get SIZE long get ZSIZE long log MEMORY_FILE 0xc ZSIZE putvarchr MEMORY_FILE2 SIZE 0 # like malloc #calldll "TransformersDemo.exe" 0x263c50 cdecl "" MEMORY_FILE MEMORY_FILE2 ZSIZE SIZE # 00663C50 calldll "unlzk.dll" "unlz2k" cdecl SIZE MEMORY_FILE MEMORY_FILE2 ZSIZE SIZE log "dump.dat" 0 SIZE MEMORY_FILE2 set MEMORY_FILE binary " int foo(int n) { return n * 1234; }; " calldll MEMORY_FILE "foo" "tcc" RET 100 ................................................................... Put VAR TYPE [FILENUM] ... PutDString VAR LENGTH [FILENUM] ... PutCT VAR TYPE CHAR [FILENUM] ... These commands are EXACTLY like the Get* functions except for the fact that they perform write operations. For using these commands on a physical file (so MEMORY_FILEs excluded) the user MUST use the -w option at runtime, that's necessary for both technical and security reasons. If you want to write a string without the NULL delimiter use: putct "your_string" string -1 ................................................................... GetBits VAR BITS [FILENUM] Function for reading bits from the files. When you use a GoTo function or change the current offset of the file with a Get* command, the variable containing the bit position (basically the amount of bits read from the previously byte taken from the file) will be reset to 0. Note that the function is 100% endian compatible so the result changes if you choose the little or big endian mode, remember it in case the results don't match what you expected. Arguments: VAR Destination variable, can be a number if the bits are from 0 to 32 or a string for bigger sizes BITS Number of bits to read FILENUM Number of the file associated to the archive (0) ................................................................... PutBits VAR BITS [FILENUM] Write mode, same format as GetBits ................................................................... Include FILENAME This command loads another script in the current one, it can be useful if you have many general functions and you want to avoid to copy&paste them in any new script. You can place it in any part of your script. include "general.bms" -> load the part of the current script till "include" load general.bms load the remaining part of the current script after "include" ................................................................... NameCRC VAR CRC [LISTFILE] [TYPE] [POLYNOMIAL] [PARAMETERS] It's not rare to have archives containing files without names, just a crc (checksum) calculated on the original filename to identify it. The NameCRC command exists just in these situations, where you have a file containing a list of filenames (maybe collected with a debugger or via hooking) and you want to assign them to the output files. What this command does is just loading the names in LISTFILE, calculating some checksums on them using the provided crc parameters, and compare the CRC field read in the archive with the calculated ones. When a crc matches the one in the database, the original filename is moved in the VAR variable. Note that QuickBMS will automatically calculate various CRC for the same filename, by using only slash or backslahs, or all the chars to lower or upper case, by removing any "\/.:" char from the beginning of the name and so on. This is necessary to grant the catching of the right filename in any situation. The feature is very fast and the "database" is not so big, so you will notice almost no performance issues while using this command. The function must be used before the *log operations and it can be used as initializer at the beginning of the script and then with only the first mandatory arguments to retrieve the filenames matching the provided crc, for example: namecrc DUMMY 0 "names.list" 32 ... get NAME_CRC long namecrc NAME NAME_CRC log NAME OFFSET SIZE Or you can just use it with all the arguments: ... get NAME_CRC long namecrc NAME NAME_CRC "names.list" 32 log NAME OFFSET SIZE Arguments VAR Destination variable that will contain the filename or just a "" in case no name has been found (it will use a particular variable called QUICKBMS_FILENAME). If VAR is "" then you can use *log "" and the retrieved filename will be automatically applied to the output file. This behaviour has been thought to write scripts easily without providing a NAME variable. CRC This is the CRC field read from the file. It must be a HEXADECIMAL value, decimal are no longer supported by default. Remember, quickbms.exe reads longlong as a 32bit field, you must use quickbms_4gb_files.exe to read real 64bit fields. If necessary, in future will be supported also hash algorithms. LISTF The name of the file that contains the filenames, each name must be on a new line. QuickBMS automatically recognize if the entry is just the name or contains also a pre-calculated crc, for example: path\folder\file.txt 0x11223344 path\folder\file.txt 287454020 path\folder\file.txt # path\folder\file.txt The list file will be automatically searched and loaded from the input and output folders, till it's found. The filenames located after a comment are good to use the same bms script as a file list. You can also specify a memory file, good it's a compressed type, set MEMORY_FILE10 compressed "..." TYPE Currently only CRC is supported: crc32 (default), crc8, crc16 and crc64 POLY Polynomial value used to calculate the CRC tables PARAM Both POLY and PARAM work in the same way you can set the CRC in the Encryption command through KEY and IVEC, so refer to that command for additional information and example. Anyway PARAM contains: BITS, INIT, FINAL, TYPE, REVER and BITMASK_SIDE If you are a developer and wants to have a full understanding of what you can customize, please check the crc_calc function in crc.c, it's very simple and self explanatory. Example for fnv32: namecrc DUMMY 0 "names.list" 32 "" "32 0 0 38 0 1" ................................................................... Codepage VAR Allows to specify a codepage/charset (number or name) for the unicode operations like: getdstring VAR2 SIZE ; Set VAR1 unicode VAR2 Currently it works only on Windows and the full list of codepages is available at: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd317756%28v=vs.85%29.aspx Arguments VAR the codepage, like utf8 or 950 and so on. Example for converting a string from JIS (932) to UTF8: get NAME string # read it as a sequence of bytes codepage 932 codepage cp932 set NAME to_unicode NAME # jis -> utf16 (unicode) codepage "utf8" set NAME unicode NAME # utf16 -> utf8 ................................................................... SLog NAME OFFSET SIZE [TYPE] [FILENUM] [ID] This command allows to export strings to an output file and being able to reimport them later with reimport.bat. The reimporting feature of this command has the same limitations of the global one, so you cannot reimport strings that are longer than the original. Currently QuickBMS will simply tell you that the new string is longer without interrupting the importing so pay attention. The space between the end of the new and old string will be filled with zeroes but this behaviour "may" be changed in future to avoid situations in which there are sequential NUL delimited strings and using zeroes will causes problems in the software that reads the file. Anyway in these situations you can just insert the spaces by yourself in the new string. The dumped strings are handles as C strings, basically the '\' char (backslash) is an escape that allows you to specify any byte you desire, the \r and \n you will see are just the 0x0d and 0x0a bytes that allow to insert the whole multiline string in one line. Each line is an exported string. Notepad++ is highly suggested to avoid mistakes. Small tip: Use INS (the replace character) mode of your text editor for editing the string file to reimport so that you will have no problems with longer new strings. The SLog function is new so any feedback and suggestion is highly appreciated. Arguments: NAME Name of the output file. It will be created from scratch the first time and then will be used in append mode from the second line on. Automatic, simple and error-proof. The output file is just in UTF-8 with Windows line feeds ("\r\n") and the conversion of unicode strings is performed by QuickBMS automatically with the codepage in use. Set it to "" for automatic output filename. OFFSET Offset where is located the string you want to dump >=0 works just like the other *log commands and dumps the string located at that OFFSET, it doesn't change the current offset <0 dumps the string at the current offset and updates it, so it advances in the file SIZE >=0 it works just like the Getdstring command allowing you to dump a string of a certain amount of bytes <0 just like the Get command TYPE This is the type of data to read just like the Get command, if not specified it's considered String. You can dump most of the types and even the non-string ones so if you use the Long type you will have the decimal value easy to edit inside the output file FILENUM the input file ID if specified: "" output: ID_NUMBER=String read from file VAR output: VAR=String read from file only the strings matching the current ID (which is a sequential number if "" or a variable if VAR is used) will be reimported, so you can delete all the other strings and keep only those you edited Examples: # the test file is available here http://aluigi.org/bms/slog_test.dat set STRINGS_FILE string "strings.txt" slog STRINGS_FILE -1 0xb string slog STRINGS_FILE -1 -1 slog STRINGS_FILE -1 -1 long endian big #slog STRINGS_FILE -1 -1 unicode slog STRINGS_FILE -1 0x18 unicode slog STRINGS_FILE 0x2e -1 ................................................................... Reimport [MODE] Just a way for enabling and disabling the reimport mode inside the script in specific moments. It's experimental and the files will be collected from the output folder, therefore they must be already there. Remember that you need to use the -w option for activating the writing mode. The variable QUICKBMS_REIMPORT contains the current mode, check it at runtime if you need different actions. Arguments: MODE if not set, it will just switch the current mode between 0 (disabled) and reimport mode 1 0 disabled 1 like reimport.bat 2 like reimport2.bat 3 reimport 3 ................................................................... ImpType MODE VAR [...] This is an experimental expansion of a command that existed in the original MultiEx language but wasn't needed in QuickBMS. It's a way for replacing and updating any field of the file in reimport mode and it's unrelated to any *Log operation. Arguments and examples: imptype var ORIGINAL_VAR NEW_VALUE put NEW_VALUE at the location of ORIGINAL_VAR field imptype var ORIGINAL_VAR update the field where ORIGINAL_VAR was read with its current value imptype off -16 NEW_VALUE put NEW_VALUE at the offset 16 bytes at the end of the file, its size is the same of the field that has been read at that location or a 32bit LONG if never read imptype off 16 NEW_VALUE as above but it's at offset 16 imptype crc ORIGINAL_VAR replace the field of ORIGINAL_VAR with the current content of QUICKBMS_CRC or QUICKBMS_HASH, it requires the usage of Encryption with the relative crc/hash algorithm used in the *Log operation this command must be used AFTER *Log imptype crc ORIGINAL_VAR ALGO ... replace the field of ORIGINAL_VAR with the crc or hash calculated during a *Log operation and based on the chosen ALGO and its parameters, SAME as Encryption. this command must be used BEFORE *Log. the crc/hash is calculated on the data before encryption and before compression Example: get MYCRC long # read the field imptype crc MYCRC md5 "" comtype zlib encryption xor "mykey" # compatible with imptype clog NAME OFFSET ZSIZE SIZE imptype crc "" # optional disable ................................................................... CRCHash ALGO ARG1 ARG2 Experimental and unsupported command working just like Encryption but meant mainly for hashing algorithms and performed in different moments, it was meant to help in some cases in reimport mode for example when both an encryption and an hashing operation are necessary. The command was introduced for testing the new behavior of imptype and the different order of encryption and hashing in reimport mode: extraction: decryption + crchash + decompression reimport: crchash + compression + encryption ................................................................... NAME: # it works like the labels in C Label NAME # it works like the labels in C Break # used in cycles Break NAME # it works like goto in C Continue # used in cycles Continue NAME # it works like goto in C Example: print "000" test: print "AAA" continue test2 print "BBB" label test2 # "test2:" or "label test2" is the same print "CCC" continue test ................................................................... QuickBMS can handle also some minimalistic and experimental C structures like: debug 1 # needed to show the collected information struct test { int var1; char var2; char *mystring; uint8_t data[10]; } These operations are all converted to Get* commands while they are converted in Put* if there is a '=' after them, like: debug 1 struct test { int var1 = 0x11111111; char var2 = 0x22; char *mystring = "hello"; uint8_t data[10] = OTHER_VAR; } Maybe in future versions it could be improved but at the moment it's tagged as an experimental and alternative feature only in case you don't know the bms syntax or it takes time to convert a C struct in bms language. Example of -s option, zlib decompression in one command-line without using script files: quickbms.exe -s "comtype zlib ; get ZSIZE asize ; xmath SIZE \"ZSIZE * 10\" ; clog \"dump.dat\" 0 ZSIZE SIZE" "" input_file.dat output_folder quickbms.exe -s "comtype gzip_compress ; get SIZE asize ; clog new.gz 0 SIZE SIZE" "" YOUR_INPUT_FILE ################################################################### ================================================ 5) Experimental input and output, other features ================================================ A] Experimental input and output -------------------------------- From version 0.5.1 of QuickBMS I started to implement some alternative input/output methods. At the moment these alternatives cover the following operations: - Network socket operations specified by an URL like udp:// and tcp:// so the tool can be used to send custom packets and data via TCP and UDP to one or more network hosts. Required command-line option: -n or -network URL format: tcp://host:port tcp://host:port,ssl,force_new_socket - Process operations specified by an URL like process:// or memory:// and allow to read and write the various processes running on the system. Required command-line option: -p or -process URL format: process://process_name process://pid process://pid:module_name Experimental debug mode available by adding "debug" after the parameters: process://pid/debug In this way the process will be debugged by QuickBMS and when there is a breakpoint or an exception the process will be freezed and all the registers dumped in variables with their names. additionally QuickBMS will keep in memory all the INT3 you set and automatically restore them when you want to continue the execution. You can find an example script here: http://aluigi.org/bms/simraceway_getkey.bms - Audio operations specified by an URL like audio:// or wave:// and allow to record audio from the default input device (like microphone) and play. Currently the "device" parameter is not used. Required command-line option: -A or -audio URL format: audio://device,sample_rate,channels,bits - Video operations specified by an URL like video:// or graphic:// and allow to grab the screen and display the images. set window_name to null or none for using the whole screen in read mode. Required command-line option: -g or -video URL format: video://window_name,width,height,bits - Windows messages specified by an URL like winmsg:// but at the moment it's possible only to send messages and using 3 long numbers: message, wparam and lparam. Required command-line option: -m or -winmsg URL format: winmsg://window_name I had this crazy idea in my mind for over one year and I decided to implement it now just because it's completely crazy and can work only if the user uses the needed options at command-line for security reasons. After all QuickBMS implements a lot of algorithms so for me it's a lot more comfortable to be able to use it for my tests with the network data and I guess some modders could find useful the process operations for dumping textures and other models directly from the memory. Anyway keep in mind that this is all experimental stuff. The following is an example script for the network operations: log MEMORY_FILE 0 0 put 0x11111111 long MEMORY_FILE put 0x22222222 long MEMORY_FILE put 0x33333333 long MEMORY_FILE put "hello" string MEMORY_FILE put 0x44444444 long MEMORY_FILE get SIZE asize MEMORY_FILE log "tcp://" 0 SIZE MEMORY_FILE log "udp://localhost:1234" 0 SIZE MEMORY_FILE or log MEMORY_FILE 0 0 put "GET / HTTP/1.0" line MEMORY_FILE put "User-Agent: Mozilla" line MEMORY_FILE put "Referer: http://localhost/test.htm" line MEMORY_FILE put "" line MEMORY_FILE get SIZE asize MEMORY_FILE log "tcp://" 0 SIZE MEMORY_FILE Command-line: quickbms -n script.bms "" "" While the following is a simple HTTP download to use with: quickbms -n script.bms "tcp://aluigi.org:80" "" > output.htm get HOST filename string HOST p= "Host: %s" HOST put "GET / HTTP/1.1" line put HOST line put "User-Agent: Mozilla" line put "Connection: close" line put "" line for get DATA line print "%DATA%" next Example of results from "get" when used on a http:// input file in QuickBMS 0.11 (older versions were different): filename file.php fullname https://zenhax.com/download/file.php?id=9002 basename file extension php fullbasename download/file filepath download Funny example that inverts the colors of the first notepad window: set NAME string "video://notepad" open "" NAME get SIZE asize filexor 0xff log NAME 0 SIZE Launch notepad and then run: quickbms -g script.bms "" "" How to close Firefox: put 18 long # WM_QUIT put 0 long # wParam put 0 long # lParam quickbms -m script.bms "winmsg://firefox" "" In future I could decide to add other operations and I'm interested in any other idea. B] Other features ----------------- Other experimental features are the support of most of the commands used in templates of WinHEX: http://www.x-ways.net/winhex/templates/index.html Usually these templates work immediately while sometimes it's only necessary to manually separate some arguments like "arg1""arg2" into "arg1" "arg2". QuickBMS has also the great feature of dumping an HTML file with the parsed format highlighted through the option -H. This is a very cool feature that can help many people and doesn't require additional modifications, just use the original BMS scripts as usual. Unfortunately the generated HTML file is not optimized yet and so it takes lot of memory and CPU to be loaded. The QuickBMS process supports some return code numbers used when the tool terminates due to a success or a fail, you can find the list at the beginning of src\defs.h. QUICKBMS_OK (success) is ever 0 while QUICKBMS_ERROR_* are referred to problems. C] Modkit distribution of quickbms.exe -------------------------------------- In response to a request of a modder, I have decided to add a simple feature to allow modders and modkits developers to embed a script in quickbms.exe when they distribute it in their products, so the user will not be asked to select the script. How to do it: - open quickbms.exe with a hex editor - search the string "SET THIS BYTE X TO 0x00" - replace the 'X' (0x58) with a NULL (0x00): 53 45 54 20 54 48 49 53 20 42 59 54 45 20 58 20 SET THIS BYTE X 53 45 54 20 54 48 49 53 20 42 59 54 45 20 00 20 SET THIS BYTE - upx.exe -9 quickbms.exe - copy /b quickbms.exe + script.bms output.exe That's all, anyway if you want to use the "classical" way and being able to specify options, input file and output folder, it's better to use the BAT solution with the -G option for the GUI mode: EXTRACT.BAT: quickbms.exe -G OPTIONS SCRIPT INPUT OUTPUT D] web API and named pipe/mailslot IPC interface ------------------------------------------------ The -W command-line option starts the IPC mode which includes: - web api running on the port specified with the -W option, if the port is negative (like -1) there will be no web API running - named pipe IPC in byte mode on \\.\pipe\quickbms_byte - named pipe IPC in message mode on \\.\pipe\quickbms - mailslot IPC on \\.\mailslot\quickbms\send with \\.\mailslot\quickbms\recv open in write mode (create it on your tool) These interfaces have been successfully tested on both Windows and Linux and the following is a quick set of examples for how using them for decompressing data, those 302 and 1028 are only an example of input and output size: Example of web API /compress: POST Content is compressed input "as-is" (application/octet-stream) Example of web API /crypt: POST Content is the encrypted input "as-is" (application/octet-stream) Example of web API /crypt (base64): POST Content is the encrypted input "as-is" (application/octet-stream) Example of Named pipe (byte mode): CreateFile \\.\pipe\quickbms_byte send: "comtype zlib\n" send: "302\n" send: 302 bytes of compressed data send: "1028\n" recv: "1028\n" recv: 1028 bytes of decompressed data Example of Named pipe (message mode): CreateFile \\.\pipe\quickbms send: "comtype zlib" send: "302" send: 302 bytes of compressed data send: "1028" recv: "1028" recv: 1028 bytes of decompressed data Example of Mailslot: CreateFile \\.\mailslot\quickbms\send GENERIC_WRITE send: "comtype zlib" send: "302" send: 302 bytes of compressed data send: "1028" CreateMailslot \\.\mailslot\quickbms\recv recv: "1028" recv: 1028 bytes of decompressed data The IPC interface supports the encryption command too and other features and commands may be added in future. Currently the web API supports also /script and /file that are meant mainly for debugging an input script and an input file based on the script previously provided. In the latter case there will be no output file generated just like with the -0 option (the TEMPORARY_FILE may be the only exception). Please remember that it's all meant to be used in a single-thread environment since quickbms can only handle one operation at time, so two concurrent queries will make some mess. Examples for IPC (two named pipes and mailslot) and quickbms.dll: https://zenhax.com/viewtopic.php?p=35965#p35965 E] quickbms.dll --------------- http://aluigi.org/papers/quickbms_dll.zip At that location you should be able to download quickbms.dll, I'm not sure if I will continue to support this feature in future but currently it's just the whole quickbms built as a shared library for calling its decompression and encryption algorithms inside other programs. The dll exports all the functions of quickbms (cdecl) and its libraries but the following are functions meant specifically for external programs: int __stdcall quickbms_compression2(char *algo, void *dictionary, int dictionary_len, void *in, int zsize, void *out, int size); int __stdcall quickbms_compression(char *algo, void *in, int zsize, void *out, int size); int __stdcall quickbms_encryption(char *algo, void *key, int keysz, void *ivec, int ivecsz, int mode, void *data, int size); Due to the huge size of the dll it's not suggested to use it, better to implement the necessary algorithms (usually just one) inside the own program. ################################################################### ======== 6) Notes ======== The following are some exceptions in the usage of QuickBMS. They are not real bugs, rather they are things that can't work (at least at the moment) due to the very flexible nature of the tool or things that it's useful or interesting to know: ? (partially solved) Number and strings, due to the usage of the optimizations the following script will NOT result in "mytest46600x12349999999999", the result will be "mytest4660-1717986919": set NAME string "mytest" set NUM long 0x1234 string NAME += NUM print "%NAME%" set NUM string "0x12349999999999" string NAME += NUM print "%NAME%" This is a good compromise because the previous situation is very very "rare" and in any case can be bypassed using multiple "string NAME += chr" and the gain in performance is incredible for the multiple in-script operations, so it's the best solution. Additionally you can use the printf-like string command and the binary type with Set: set NAME string "mytest" set NUM1 long 0x1234 set NUM2 binary "0x12349999999999" string NAME p= "%s0x%x%s" NAME NUM1 NUM2 print "%NAME%" - Any Clog operation with a compressed or uncompressed size minor/equal than zero produces a file with a zero size, but this is not a problem of the tool because it's the perfectly logical behavior in these situations. If it's necessary to use a compression which gets the SIZE value automatically (like base64 or stalker_lza) is enough to specify the compressed size as uncompressed size: clog NAME OFFSET ZSIZE ZSIZE or clog NAME OFFSET ZSIZE 1 - The tool has been created to be 100% compatible with the original MexScript language and its syntax/logic, so I tried to add not many new commands and, if possible, providing an alternative using the original set of commands (for example the Strlen command and "Set VAR strlen VAR"). I tried also to maintain the logic of the program (for example encryptions/compressions applied in the file operations only). If something looks complex or senseless, it has been made for matching the original structure and logic of the language. - QuickBMS grants compatibility with the original MexScript language that implements also some static and partially undocumented variables like: EXTRCNT, BytesRead, NotEOF, SOF, EOF If you are writing a script for QuickBMS try to avoid these variable names except if you really need and know what they do. - QuickBMS uses many third party code and, even if I tried to adjust them a bit where possible, unfortunately many of these external functions were a disaster or missed any security requirement. That's the reason why the comtype scanning feature causes so many crashes with invalid data. From version 0.5.5 I added a particular type of allocation management that allows a better debugging of the code and at the same time protects the heap from contiguous buffer overflow and underflow (so it can do nothing against "buff[0x11223344] = 'a'). It's not a solution but at least helps me a lot and limits the problems caused by third party non-safe code. The only protection of the stack is provided by the -fstack-protector-all compiler option of Gcc. - Security: It's hard to make the tool completely safe, anyway the following are some notes and solutions: - allocated memory set as read/write only with guarded page before and after the buffer, they act like a "cage" that delimits the buffer - usage of Gcc -fstack-protector-all - the user is EVER prompted of activating dangerous features like the usage of dlls and the calling of external executables - some checks to avoid the problems caused by the big redundant code of which QuickBMS is full (unfortunately, sorry for that) - keep in mind that QuickBMS is mainly a testing tool in which I preferred to insert strange and particular features rather than making it "secure" for any user, it's the responsibility of the user to use only trusted scripts and paying attention to the warnings displayed by the tool - The EXECUTE mode of ComType and Encryption grants compatibility with any compression and encryption tool (command-line) based on algorithms not yet supported by QuickBMS, and at the same time avoids the rush of trying to implement "everything" as soon as possible. I used system() for this command just because I want that it's compatible with any possible program included those which require input from stdin and output to console (stdout). Example: "file.exe < #INPUT# > #OUTPUT#" ? (partially solved) All the extracted files are loaded completely in memory before being dumped for various technical reasons, so if the file to dump has a size of 800 megabytes this is the same size which will be allocated in memory or even double or more if the file must be decompressed, so it's good to have a large amount of free RAM when handling big archives or a large virtual memory/swap space. This mechanism is not used for files that don't require encryption and compression in which case the operation is performed 1:1 using a temporary buffer of only 1 megabyte. x (SOLVED!) Log "123.txt" OFFSET SIZE It creates the file 123 and not 123.txt, this happens because "123.txt" is considered a constant number due to the rule that everything starting with a number (or a '-') is handled as a constant number. This behavior didn't happen with the previous versions of the tool because wasn't used the number optimization which saves tons of CPU cycles in some scripts. * From version 0.3.12 I decided to implement the full verification of the string to know if it's a number or a string, luckily there is almost no loss of performances x (SOLVED!) The following do NOT work because the QuickBMS variables are case INsensitive: if SIGN == "test" # u== is the same elif SIGN == "TeSt" ... set SIGN1 binary "test" set SIGN2 binary "TeSt" if SIGN == SIGN1 # u== is the same elif SIGN == SIGN2 ... The only way to fix it would be to make quickbms case SENSITIVE, this change should give no problems if you have written the scripts correctly but exists a 1% of possible issues, currently I don't know what to do. . * From QuickBMS 0.5.31 you can use the -I option to force the case sensitive mode on variable names x (SOLVED!) set NAME string MEMORY_FILE log NAME 0 0 It produces no physical file because it's considered a MEMORY_FILE, it happens because the dumping function receives "MEMORY_FILE" as output file name. At the moment there is no fix anyway it's a very very rare event (never happened to find an archive containing a file with that name) and so not a priority. * Fixed in version 0.5.17 by checking if the name of the file is the name of a variable or its content. x (SOLVED!) Crash caused by HsSrv.dll. The Asus Xonar and Unixonar drivers cause the crash of QuickBMS for the following reason: HsSrv.dll is automatically injected in any process and this dll checks all the allocated memory for the presence of a "MZ" signature (the one used for the executables): 1000B462 CALL DWORD PTR DS:[<&KERNEL32.VirtualQuery>] 1000B468 TEST EAX,EAX 1000B46A JBE SHORT 1000B4BE 1000B46C CMP DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-24],1000 ; check if State is MEM_COMMIT 1000B473 JNE SHORT 1000B48B 1000B475 TEST WORD PTR SS:[EBP-20],0100 ; check if Protect contains PAGE_GUARD 1000B47B JNZ SHORT 1000B48B 1000B47D AND DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-4],00000000 1000B481 CMP WORD PTR DS:[ESI],5A4D ; check if the buffer starts with MZ QuickBMS uses a particular memory protection mechanism that in the recent versions switched from PAGE_GUARD to PAGE_NOACCESS, that's why HsSrv.dll crashes: if Protect contains PAGE_GUARD then it skips the MZ check but now it's PAGE_NOACCESS. Using MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE doesn't help to skip the code with the first check because VirtualQuery returns only MEM_COMMIT. Asus should fix the bug by checking if Protect is set to a non-readable flag, I have NOT contacted them. Some possible solutions are the following: - disable the GX mode (emulated EAX) of the Asus driver - disable the Asus HookSupport Manager application (HsMgr.exe) - start QuickBMS with the -9 option (create a shortcut) - contact Asus! :) Note that the problem seems to happen only when QuickBMS is launched with the GUI (double-click) while it's calling the Windows API GetOpenFileName. * From version 0.5.25c I use PAGE_GUARD to avoid any problem with buggy third party drivers. ? When you assign a string to a variable pay attention to the backslash char: \ It's used as escape when parsing the bms script and a quoted string is found, like "test". The only limitation is caused by the presence of the same quote char after the backslash so the following command is wrongly interpreted: string VAR R "test1 and test2\" "/" In that case the \" is interpreted as " without terminating the handling of the quote string. For that specific case there is no solution at the moment because \\ is interpreted as \\ and not as \. Consider that this is a very rare case and if you want to replace the backslash with slashes it's enough to use: string VAR R \ / Other things to know or strange behaviors will be listed when I will figure and remember them. A curiosity for who is crazy for the optimizations of compilers: the PPMD (ppmd var.i rev.1) algorithm compiled with -O3 (Gcc) is a lot slower than if compiled with -O2 and a similar situation is valid also for other algorithms. With -Os the code is smaller (about 300kb the Windows exe of an old quickbms version) but there is a loss of performances of max 15/20% with some algorithms (like PPMD) and scripts with many getvarchr, putvarchr and math operations. ################################################################### ========== 7) Support ========== QuickBMS, like many of my projects, is fully supported by me and is ever in active development for adding new encryption and compression algorithms, adding new features, fixing bugs and other improvements. I'm the first and biggest user of this tool, so I have a direct interest in maintaining it. The latest version is available on the following website: http://quickbms.com RSS feeds available on my website so stay tuned for any update of QuickBMS and my other tools: http://aluigi.org/rss.php Remember to contact me for any doubt or new idea regarding QuickBMS by e-mail at me@aluigi.org or on the forum in this topic http://zenhax.com/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=556 You are also invited to post your doubts, feedback and suggestions on the official support forum called ZenHAX: http://zenhax.com It's a community where the users can write about game research, file format reversing, game internals and security. My old forum on http://forum.aluigi.org is no longer supported from 2011 but it contains some additional old information and examples. QuickBMS is a free project, no donations or money are accepted. If you like it feel free to spread the word about it. You may also like to make tutorials and videos, they are welcome so more people can learn to use it. QuickBMS wants to be THE EXTRACTION TOOL for almost any game related task so "help it to help yourself" :) ################################################################### ===================== 8) Additional credits ===================== QuickBMS uses various public-domain code and code released under GPL/LGPL or other open source and free licenses. Compression: - zlib, inflateback9 (for deflate64) and blast of Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler http://www.zlib.net - LZO of Markus F.X.J. Oberhumer http://www.oberhumer.com/opensource/lzo/ - LZSS, LZARI, LZHUF of Haruhiko Okumura - unlzx.c of Erik Meusel - LZMA and LZMA2 of Igor Pavlov http://www.7-zip.org/sdk.html - bzip2 of Julian Seward https://www.sourceware.org/bzip2/ - ascii85 partially derived from http://www.stillhq.com/svn/trunk/ascii85/decode85.c - libmspack of Stuart Caie http://www.cabextract.org.uk/libmspack/ - lzjb from http://cvs.opensolaris.org/source/xref/onnv/onnv-gate/usr/src/uts/common/fs/zfs/lzjb.c - iMatix Standard Function Library compression http://download.imatix.com/pub/ - UCL of Markus F.X.J. Oberhumer http://www.oberhumer.com/opensource/lzo/ - code from the uncompress utility of "The Regents of the University of California" - Dynamic Markov Compression implementation of Gordon V. Cormack http://plg1.cs.uwaterloo.ca/~ftp/dmc/dmc.c - many algorithms from ScummVM http://scummvm.sourceforge.net - bpe of Philip Gage http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/cluster/RJK/Compress/bpd.c - QuickLZ of Lasse Mikkel Reinhold http://www.quicklz.com - Quake 3 Huffman code of Id Software http://www.idsoftware.com - mszh from the LossLess Codec Library - Doom Huffman code from the Doom/Hexen source code - aPLib of Jorgen Ibsen http://www.ibsensoftware.com/products_aPLib.html - LZF of Marc Alexander Lehmann http://home.schmorp.de/marc/liblzf.html - LZ77 of Arkadi Kagan http://compressions.sourceforge.net/about.html - LZRW algorithms of Ross Williams http://www.ross.net/compression/ - an Huffman implementation of Bill Demas on LDS - the FIN algorithm (useless and very close to LZSS) on LDS - LZAH/LZH12/13 of Dik T. Winter http://homepages.cwi.nl/~dik/english/ftp.html - GRZipII/libGRZip of Grebnov Ilya (only the win32 code is linked to it) because it's composed by many files and it's not a priority) - rle of Chilkat Software http://www.chilkatsoft.com/chilkatdx/ck_rle.htm#source - Quad of Ilia Muraviev http://quad.sourceforge.net - Balz of Ilia Muraviev http://balz.sourceforge.net - unshrink of Info-Zip http://www.info-zip.org/UnZip.html - PPMd algorithms of Dmitry Shkarin http://compression.ru/ds/ - BriefLZ of Jorgen Ibsen http://www.ibsensoftware.com/download.html - PAQ6 of Matt Mahoney http://cs.fit.edu/~mmahoney/compression/paq.html#paq6 - shcodec of Simakov Alexander http://webcenter.ru/~xander/ - hstest of tom ehlert - SixPack of Philip G. Gage - ashford of Charles Ashford - JCALG1 of Jeremy Collake http://www.bitsum.com/jcalg1.htm - jam/unjam of W. Jiang - lzhlib of Haruhiko Okumura and Kerwin F. Medina for the adaptation of the code - Srank P M Fenwick http://www.cs.auckland.ac.nz/~peter-f/FTPfiles/srank.c - Zziplib/Zzlib of Damien Debin http://damiendebin.net/archives/zzip/download.php#zzlib - scpack of Philip Gage - rle3 and bpe2: http://musyozoku211.blog118.fc2.com/blog-entry-13.html http://blog-imgs-17.fc2.com/m/u/s/musyozoku211/bpe2.txt http://blog-imgs-17.fc2.com/m/u/s/musyozoku211/rle3.txt - Basic Compression Library of Marcus Geelnard http://bcl.comli.eu - SCZ of Carl Kindman http://scz-compress.sourceforge.net - szip of HDF Group http://www.hdfgroup.org/doc_resource/SZIP/ - sr3c of Kenneth Oksanen http://cessu.blogspot.com - Huffman library of Douglas Ryan Richardson http://huffman.sourceforge.net - SFastPacker of Aleksey Kuznetsov http://www.utilmind.com/delphi3.html - lz77wii of Hector Martin http://wiibrew.org/wiki/Wii.py - prs 8ing code posted by tpu http://forum.xentax.com/viewtopic.php?p=30387#p30387 - puyo compressions of not.nmn and nickwor https://github.com/nickworonekin/puyotools - falcom compression of http://www.geocities.jp/pokan_chan/ - cpk of hcs http://hcs64.com/files/utf_tab04.zip - DSDecmp/goldensun/luminousarc of Barubary http://code.google.com/p/dsdecmp/ - pglz_decompress PostgreSQL Global Development Group http://www.postgresql.org/ - SLZ: versions of Adisak Pochanayon and CUE - LZH-Light of Sergey Ignatchenko - d3101 of Advanced Hardware Architectures/HP - squeeze (R. Greenlaw, Amiga port by Rick Schaeffer ???) - some algorithms of Mark Nelson & Jean-loup Gailly from The Data Compression Book - Ed Ross Data Compression - ilzr of Jose Renau Ardevol - some code from the C User's Journal - dmc by T.L. Yu - 'Uses libLZR by BenHur' http://www.psp-programming.com/benhur/ - lzs of Matthew Chapman http://www.rdesktop.org - yaz0 of thakis (http://www.amnoid.de/gc/) - RNC by Jon http://www.yoda.arachsys.com/dk/ or fork by Simon Tatham - PAK_explode of Cyril VOILA - The KENS Project Development Team - dragonballz by Geoffrey W. Curtis - unstargun by Adam Nielsen / The_coder - ntcompress from Nintendo Wii Revolution SDK - crle of Arkadi Kagan http://compressions.sourceforge.net/about.html - CTW by Frans Willems http://www.ele.tue.nl/ctw - DACT by Roy Keene http://www.rkeene.org/oss/dact/ - algorithms by Brendan G Bohannon http://bgb-sys.sourceforge.net - lzpxj by Ilia Muraviev and Jan Ondrus http://sourceforge.net/projects/lzpx/ - rle from ftp://ftp.elf.stuba.sk/pub/pc/pack/mar.rar - rle from http://gdcm.sourceforge.net - lzmat of Vitaly Evseenko - dict from http://freearc.org/download/research/dict.zip - rep from http://freearc.org/download/research/rep.zip - lzp by Dmitry Shkarin http://www.compression.ru/ds/lzp.rar - kzip by Ken Silverman http://advsys.net/ken/utils.htm - enet http://enet.bespin.org - eduke32 http://eduke32.com - xu4 - Ultima IV recreated http://sourceforge.net/projects/xu4/ - Lemur http://www.lemurproject.org - lzfu by Dave Smith and Carl Byington http://www.five-ten-sg.com/libpst/ - he3 by Eric Prevoteau http://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/dctc/ - Ultima Iris http://www.iris2.de http://ultimairis.sourceforge.net - http://sourceforge.net/projects/linux-ntfs/ - pdb2txt http://code.google.com/p/pdb2txt/ - Comprlib http://sourceforge.net/projects/comprlib/ - prs by Fuzziqer http://www.fuzziqersoftware.com/projects.html - sega_lz77 converted from an ICE decompression tool developed by scriptkiddie (XentaX's forum) - saint_seya compression by MrAdults (Senor Casaroja's Noesis) http://forum.xentax.com/viewtopic.php?p=52279#p52279 - lz4 by Yann Collet https://github.com/Cyan4973/lz4 - Snappy http://google.github.io/snappy/ - Lunar compression dll by FuSoYa http://fusoya.eludevisibility.org - lzv1 by Hermann Vogt - FastLZ by Ariya Hidayat http://fastlz.org - zax http://code.google.com/p/zax/ - data-shrinker by fusiyuan http://code.google.com/p/data-shrinker/ - mmini by Adam Ierymenko http://code.google.com/p/mmini/ - clzw by Vladimir Antonenko http://code.google.com/p/clzw/ - http://sourceforge.net/projects/clzw/ - lzham by Richard Geldreich https://github.com/richgel999/lzham_codec - lpaq8 by Matt Mahoney http://www.cs.fit.edu/~mmahoney/compression/ - sega_lzs2 by Treeki - Core Online decompression by Ekey http://www.progamercity.net - lzlib http://lzip.nongnu.org/lzlib.html - some compression tools from http://www.romhacking.net - pucrunch by Pasi 'Albert' Ojala - libzpaq by Matt Mahoney http://mattmahoney.net/dc/zpaq.html - zyxel-revert http://git.kopf-tisch.de/?p=zyxel-revert - Blosc https://github.com/Blosc/c-blosc - Gipfeli by Jyrki Alakuijala https://github.com/google/gipfeli - Crush, Balz, BCM and possibly others by Ilya Muravyov http://sourceforge.net/projects/crush/ - Yappy https://raw.github.com/richard-sim/Compression-Test-Suite/master/CompressionSuite/Yappy/yappy.cpp - liblzg by Marcus Geelnard http://liblzg.bitsnbites.eu/ - Doboz by Attila T. Afra https://bitbucket.org/attila_afra/doboz - XPK http://www.jormas.com/~vesuri/xpk/ - http://www.amiga-stuff.com/crunchers-download.html - http://aminet.net/package/util/libs/ulib4271 - PackFire by Neural http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=54840 - Matt Mahoney for various compression algorithms - http://blog-imgs-17.fc2.com/m/u/s/musyozoku211/bpe.txt - CBPE by Izaya http://izaya.blog38.fc2.com/blog-entry-374.html - Alba by xezz http://encode.ru/threads/1874-Alba?p=36612&viewfull=1#post36612 - http://download.wcnews.com/files/documents/sourcecode/shadowforce/transfer/asommers/mfcapp_src/engine/compress/ - QFS https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wouanagaine/SC4Mapper-2013/master/Modules/qfs.c - Zen Studios decompression by Ekey http://www.progamercity.net - OpenXRay https://github.com/OpenXRay/xray-16/blob/master/src/xrCore/LzHuf.cpp - ZSTD https://github.com/Cyan4973/zstd - AZO http://www.altools.com/ALTools/ALZip/Egg-format.aspx - PowerPacker from libsidtune https://github.com/bithorder/sidplayer/blob/master/jni/libsidplay2/sidtune/PP20.cpp - Nintendo DS/GBA compressions by CUE http://www.romhacking.net/utilities/826/ - pclzfg http://www.embedded-os.de/en/pclzfg.shtml - Heatshrink https://github.com/atomicobject/heatshrink - TurboRLE https://github.com/powturbo/TurboRLE - Smaz https://github.com/antirez/smaz - lzfx http://code.google.com/p/lzfx/ - Pithy https://github.com/johnezang/pithy - libzling https://github.com/richox/libzling - Density https://github.com/centaurean/density - Brotli https://github.com/google/brotli - code by Gerald Tamayo - libbsc http://libbsc.com/ - Shoco https://ed-von-schleck.github.io/shoco/ - WFLZ https://github.com/ShaneWF/wflz - FastAri https://github.com/davidcatt/FastARI - Dicky https://github.com/jedisct1/Dicky - Squish https://github.com/Bananattack/squish - lzjody https://github.com/jbruchon/lzjody - ms-compress https://github.com/coderforlife/ms-compress - yay0dec by thakis http://www.amnoid.de/gc/ - dmsdos http://cmp.felk.cvut.cz/~pisa/dmsdos/ - iROLZ http://ezcodesample.com/rolz/rolz_article.html - Mcomp http://msoftware.co.nz - SimPE http://sims.ambertation.de/ - Adam Nielsen for Camoto http://www.shikadi.net/camoto - OpenKB http://openkb.sourceforge.net/ - OpenTitus http://opentitus.sourceforge.net/ - deLZW http://cnub.ddns.net/deLZW.ashx - various pseudocode from http://www.shikadi.net/moddingwiki/Category:Compression_algorithms - Ladislav Zezula for PKLib - Marc Winterrowd http://nodling.nullneuron.net/ultima/ultima.html - tkatchev https://bitbucket.org/tkatchev/yalz77 - LZ5/Lizard https://github.com/inikep/lz5 - various compression algorithms from Lab313 https://github.com/lab313ru - LZSS http://www.metroid2002.com/retromodding/wiki/LZSS_Compression - SynLZ https://raw.githubusercontent.com/synopse/mORMot/master/SynLZ.pas - PPMZ2 http://www.cbloom.com/src/ppmz.html - OpenDark http://sourceforge.net/projects/dark/ - Oodle http://www.radgametools.com/oodle.htm (DLL from Warframe) - jdlz recompressor http://encode.ru/threads/2417-Creating-A-Compressor-for-JDLZ?p=46247&viewfull=1#post46247 - rfpk http://www.rockraidersunited.com/topic/6675-is-there-a-way-i-could-rip-files-of-lego-city-undercovers-disc/#comment-120442 - wp16 http://romxhack.esforos.com/compresion-de-final-fantasy-1-de-psp-la-famosa-wp16-t44 - Nisto https://github.com/Nisto/bio-tools/tree/master/bio0/alz-tool - Ekey for Revelation Online / TianYu - ps_lz77 by TheUkrainianBard http://zenhax.com/viewtopic.php?p=14313#p14313 - lzfse https://github.com/lzfse/lzfse - dzip https://www.madewithmarmalade.com/developer - CSC https://github.com/fusiyuan2010/CSC - Gundam Ghiren converted to C http://zenhax.com/viewtopic.php?p=18646#p18646 - glza by Kennon Conrad http://encode.ru/threads/1909-Tree-alpha-v0-1-download?p=50293&viewfull=1#post50293 - m99coder by Yuta Mori - https://github.com/solaris573/taikotools - https://github.com/nekomiko/recetunpack/blob/master/data_ext.c - https://github.com/BlackDragonHunt/Danganronpa-Tools/blob/master/drv3/drv3_dec.py - https://github.com/gildor2/UModel/blob/master/Unreal/UnCoreCompression.cpp - https://forum.xentax.com/viewtopic.php?p=119352#p119352 - https://encode.ru/threads/2772-Finding-custom-lzss-on-arcade-game-dat-file?p=52946&viewfull=1#post52946 - liblzs by Craig McQueen https://github.com/cmcqueen/lzs-compression - shrek decompression by ShrekBoards https://github.com/ShrekBoards/shrek-decompress - qcmp converted from https://github.com/gibbed/Gibbed.SleepingDogs/blob/master/Gibbed.SleepingDogs.FileFormats/QuickCompression.cs - ykcmp converted from https://github.com/Xkeeper0/disgaea-pc-tools/blob/master/disgaea/compressionhandler.php - swzap https://github.com/wasaylor/unzap - mzx converted from https://github.com/Hintay/PS-HuneX_Tools/blob/master/tools/mzx/decomp_mzx0.py - lzrrv by bnm - SLZ3 by akderebur - mppc by Marc-Andre Moreau - ALZSS by Elijah H. Brolijah https://github.com/Brolijah/Aqualead_LZSS - CLZ by https://github.com/sukharah/CLZ-Compression - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zhaihj/konami-lz77/master/src/lz77.rs - GARBro by morkt https://github.com/morkt/GARbro - HCS for puff8, lzh8 and romchu: https://hcs64.com/vgm_ripping.html - Inuk Syooperstar for Okage XPK compression - Nisto https://github.com/Nisto/lzsd - infval https://github.com/infval/pzzcompressor_jojo - libdeflate https://github.com/ebiggers/libdeflate - zopfli https://github.com/google/zopfli - https://github.com/powzix/ooz - rage_xfs by Benjamin Haisch - Allen for Wangan decompressions - Exo Decrunch by Magnus Lind https://bitbucket.org/magli143/exomizer/wiki/Home - BitBuster https://www.teambomba.net/bombaman/downloadd26a.html - nibrans by BareRose https://github.com/BareRose/nibrans - lze by GORRY https://gorry.haun.org/pw/?lze - Shelwien of encode.su - Bitbuster of Team Bomba https://www.teambomba.net/bombaman/downloadd26a.html - lz48 by roudoudou - ZX compressions by Einar Saukas https://github.com/einar-saukas/ZX0 Encryption: - all the algorithms provided by OpenSSL http://www.openssl.org - xtea from PolarSSL http://www.polarssl.org - some encryption algorithms from GnuPG and libgcrypt http://www.gnupg.org - ICE of Matthew Kwan http://www.darkside.com.au/ice/index.html - Rotor module from the Python source code - http://mcrypt.sourceforge.net - all the various public algorithms implemented in version 0.4.1 like 3way, anubis, gost, skipjack and so on - libkirk of Draan http://code.google.com/p/kirk-engine/ - PC1 Encryption Algorithm of Alexander Pukall http://membres.multimania.fr/pc1/ - LibTomCrypt https://github.com/libtom/libtomcrypt - LibTomMath https://github.com/libtom/libtommath - libmcrypt http://sourceforge.net/projects/mcrypt/files/Libmcrypt/ - sphlib http://www.saphir2.com/sphlib/ - cityhash https://code.google.com/p/cityhash/ - xxhash https://github.com/Cyan4973/xxHash - qLibc https://github.com/wolkykim/qlibc - StormLib https://github.com/ladislav-zezula/StormLib - insane coder http://insanecoding.blogspot.com/ Others: - MemoryModule of Joachim Bauch https://github.com/fancycode/MemoryModule - various signatures from http://mark0.net/soft-trid-e.html - various signatures from http://toorcon.techpathways.com/uploads/headersig.txt - Capstone engine http://www.capstone-engine.org/ - Ollydbg disasm library http://www.ollydbg.de - optional BeaEngine dissassembler library http://www.beaengine.org - uthash and utlist http://troydhanson.github.io/uthash/ - TinyCC http://bellard.org/tcc/ - tiny-regex-c https://github.com/kokke/tiny-regex-c Notes: - Some (many?) of the original codes have been modified a bit to make them usable in QuickBMS for the memory2memory (in-memory) decompression and for other possible fixes or for decreasing the amount of code, for example removing the compression routine leaving only the decompression one. Note that I avoided to make this third-party code more secure because it's not the job of QuickBMS, so almost all the code (except some rare cases) has been used "as-is", the only security protections come from the general protection mechanisms adopted in QuickBMS like my own heap handling and -fstack-protector-all. - The files/libraries which have been modified have the header "// modified by Luigi Auriemma" which is meant just to show that it's not the 100% original code and it must be NOT considered like a credit. I claim nothing about them, the original license and authors are still untouched. - If the files have been modified or don't have the original license information (may happen only with small functions that didn't contain a license header in origin) please follow the provided links for more details. - Almost all the algorithms implemented here have been selected by me because they: - have been used - "may" have been used - it has been claimed to have been used in real software and games, or they are enough known and famous to deserve their implementation in QuickBMS. Personally I prefer to have many algorithms implemented also to help my compression and encryption scanners: comtype_scan2.bat/bms and encryption_scan.bat/bms). - Tell me if I forgot someone or something in this section, it may be possible that some credits are not complete. And tell me also if it's necessary to include other files or comments inside these third-party files or about them. I included the list to the original websites as additional reference also for having more information about their license in case the included files don't have it in their comments (/* */). ###################################################################