Some tools able to recover the encoded passwords or data stored by some programs when has been selected the "remind" function which saves the keyword locally.
Usually a classical passwords-behind-asterix revealing program (like Asterisk Logger for example) is enough to see any password but the purpose of this section is mainly showing what algorithm and solution has been adopted by the listed programs.
Remember that some programs (like Steam and PokerStars) use keys built using some unique parameters of the computer and so without having or restoring the original system is impossible to retrieve the right key and decrypt the saved passwords.
The final numbers within parenthesis are the exact versions of the programs tested by me (only needed if exist older or newer versions using different algorithms) and a link to the program's homepage.
Almost all these tools are completely automatic or easy to use through drag'n drop while others need command-line arguments.
- PROMOTIC data decrypter 0.1 (promoticpwd)
decrypts the data (users credentials and Data) available in users.ini and the PRA projects (8.1.4)
- Pegasus Mail password decrypter 0.1 (pmaildec)
decodes the passwords stored in the various INI, PND, PM and PM2 files (
- TheBat! password decoder 0.1 (thebatdec)
decodes the password passed via command-line (
- Phoenix mail password decrypter 0.1 (phxmailpwd)
decodes the passwords stored in account.ini (0.93b10)
- Ubisoft Game Launcher password decrypter 0.1 (ubiglpwd)
decodes the password inside the settings.ini file (
- Trillian Astra password decoder 0.2 (trillianpwd)
decodes any password inside the ini files of this program (
- Gizmo password decrypter 0.1 (gizmopwd)
decrypter for the Gizmo5 password located in AppSettings.xml (
- Orbit Downloader password decrypter 0.1 (orbitpwd)
decrypts the passwords stored in sitelogin.dat and possibly others (2.8.15)
- Total Commander password decrypter 0.1 (tcdec)
decrypter for the password stored in wcx_ftp.ini and possibly others (7.50b8)
- Xfire password decrypter 0.1 (xfirepwd)
decrypter for the EncryptedUser and EPW fields in XfireUser.ini located in %appdata%\xfire (
note that EPW is NOT the plain-text password but it's the SHA1 hash of a string composed by usernamepasswordUltimateArena (so the username plus the password plus "UltimateArena").
- Full Tilt Poker password decrypter 0.1a (fulltiltpwd)
decrypts the Username and Password strings in the registry (WIN.FullTilt.COM.10.1)
- PartyGaming password decrypter 0.2 (partypwd)
decrypts any encrypted string in the PartyGaming and PartyGamingNet fields of the registry which includes PartyPoker, PartyPokerNet, PartyGammon, PartyCasino and so on (
- PokerStars password decrypter 0.1 (pokerstarspwd)
decrypts the PWD field in the user.ini file or any string passed as argument.
the file user or user.ini can be located in the following folders: C:\Program Files\PokerStars or C:\Users\USERPROFILE\AppData\Local\PokerStars or %APPDATA%\PokerStars (6 build 6808)
- Ventrilo regkey decoder 0.1 (ventriloregdec)
simple decoder of the registration key of Ventrilo client which is stored in the regkey registry key (3.0.5)
- ISPQ sha1 password decrypter 0.1 (ispqpwd)
decrypts the string in the registry (RecentLogin) containing the sha1 hash of the password.
although it's only the sha1 hash it's used directly in the login (strLoginPassword) at the place of the original password (8.0)
- Digsby password decoder 0.2 (digsbypwd)
decodes the encrypted password located in "%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\Digsby\logininfo.yaml" (Build 27822)
- Desktop Fay passwords decoder 0.1 (deskfaypwd)
decodes the smtp and pop password in the registy (2.8)
- DarkSpace passwords decrypter 0.1 (darkspacepwd)
decrypts the previousPW password in config.ini (1.500)
- TrendMicro passwords decrypter 0.1.2 (trendmicropwd)
automatically decrypts any password in the input file or the encrypted string passed as first parameter.
it supports !CRYPT!, !CRYPTEX!, !CRYPTEX3! and the PWD.DLL!PWDDecrypt strings.
as far as I know this type of encryptions is used mainly in OfficeScan but probably in other products too (8.0)
PWDDecrypt stores the password in clear-text.
CRYPT stores the MD5 of the password.
CRYPTEX stores the SHA1 of the MD5 of the password. (thanks Paolo Ruggero)
- NewsLeecher files decrypter 0.1.1 (newsleechdec)
decodes and decompress any DAT and BAK file located in %appdata%\NewsLeecher (v4.0 Beta 7)
- SmartFTP password decoder 0.1 (smartftppwd)
decrypts the password passed at command-line, passwords are located in the XML files in %APPDATA%\SmartFTP\Client 2.0\Favorites (3.0)
- HP LoadRunner password decoder 0.1 (loadrunnerpwd)
decodes the passwords created for LoadRunner with CryptonApp (9.10)
- Steam password decoder 0.2.4 (steampwd)
IMPORTANT NOTE: from the 29 Sep 2009 Steam no longer saves the full password so this tool is now totally useless.
decrypts the passwords stored in the local ClientRegistry.blob file and the ConnectCache cookies in the registry.
remember that Steam uses an unique key to encrypt the password so if you have reinstalled your Windows you could be not able to recover it, the only exception is with Vista where the key is usually ever the same due to some technical reasons.
works also from command-line allowing to pass directly the encrypted password and the needed key.
the tool automatically tests the NoMachineSpecificPassphraseAvailable key if the provided/calculated one is wrong (
- Winzip wjf xflags password decrypter 0.1 (wjfdec)
decrypts all the xflags passwords in the job files (11.1)
- Reach-a-Mail passwords decoder 0.1 (reachmailpwd)
decodes all the passwords in the Reach-a-Mail.ini file located in the Data folder (3.1)
- Toca Race Driver series accounts passwords decoder 0.1 (coreonline)
decodes all the passwords in the Codemasters\Core_Online registry key (1.2)
- CoreFTP password decoder 0.1 (coreftppwd)
decodes any password from the command-line or the registry (2.00)
- Valve games control password disabler 0.1 (valvepwd)
a simple tool for disabling and restoring the control password used in games like Half-Life and Counter-Strike
- EasyWebCam passwords decoder 0.1 (easywebcampwd)
decodes both the ftp and wap passwords (
- CamFrog passwords decrypter 0.3.2 (camfrogpwd)
decrypts all the passwords stored in the registry or provided by the user and also the Serial and ActivationData containing the Camfrog Pro version key (5.5)
supports also the different encryption used in Camfrog Bot
- Gftp bookmarks passwords decoder 0.1.1 (gftpdec)
decodes the password stored in the bookmarks file (2.0.18)
- Generic CryptUnprotectData and RDP passwords decrypter 0.1.1
this tool has been created for decrypting the password in the local RDP files used for Remote Desktop but I have made it compatible to decrypt any type of input with the CryptUnprotectData function.
this tool works also with the password stored in the Profile.con file of Battlefield 2 and many other programs which use the same encryption method.
in case of problems or unrecognized password, copy the password hash in a new text file and pass it to the tool.
note that only the user who encrypted the password can decrypt it, this is the characteristic of the CryptProtectData encryption.
- *VNC password decoder 0.2.1
decrypts the passwords encrypted with the classic VNC des method found in the vnc files, from the command-line and in the registry (VNC, TightVNC, Ultr@VNC and many others)
- BF2AutoLoader password decoder 0.1 (bf2alpwd)
decodes the password stored in the registry or provided by the user at command-line (
Note that this tool needs .NET or Mono/DotGNU libraries
- Blade of Darkness gore password decoder 0.1 (bladepwd)
decodes the password stored in Password.txt of the game Severance: Blade of Darkness (1.001)
- KomaMail files and passwords decoder 0.1 (komamailpwd)
decodes the passwords stored in setup.ini and accounts.dat (3.42)
- Battlefield 2 Remote Administrator (BF2RA) password decoder 0.1 (bf2rapwd)
decodes the password in settings.ini (0.2)
- Hide My Files folders unhider and scanner 0.1a (unhmf)
automatically scans a specific folder searching all the folders hidden by this useless program (1.0)
- Willing Webcam password decoder 0.1 (wwpwd)
decodes the initial password stored in the registry (2.8)
- Empire Earth 2 online account password decoder 0.1 (ee2pwd)
simple password decoder for the Gamespy account contained in settings.cfg, tested versus the demo but should work versus the retail too (1.1)
- Soldier of Fortune 1 and 2 violence password decoder 0.3 (sof2violpwd)
decodes the violence password stored in the registry of both Soldier of Fortune 1 and 2 (1.07 and 1.03)
- The Universal (Galaxy) password decoder 0.1 (theunipwd)
decodes the password in the file Tractor.cfx (1.38)
- BF1942 Server and Remote Manager passwords decoder 0.1 (bfsmpwd)
decodes any server and client password and sniffed data of this Battlefield 1942/Vietnam manager (2.0b4h)
- Vypress Auvis mail password decoder 0.1.1 (auvispwd)
decodes the mail password stored in the registry (2.5)
- ActivePost Standard user and password decoder 0.1.1 (actpostpwd)
decodes the username and the password stored in the registry (3.1)
- Winproxy administrator password decoder 0.1.2 (winproxypwd)
decodes the administrator password stored in the registry (5.2)
- Lords of the Realm III account password decoder 0.1 (lotr3pwd)
decodes the Gamespy account password stored in gamespyinfo.dat (1.01)
- PC Anywhere configuration files decoder 0.1 (pcanydec)
a simple files decoder to be able to watch the information (and the passwords) inside them (11.5)
- Windows 9x screen saver password decoder 0.1 (scr9xpwd)
shows the stored screen saver password in Windows 9x
- Webdrive passwords decoder 0.1.1 (webdrivepwd)
Webdrive passwords decoder 0.1: retrieves all the usernames, servers and passwords (also those of the proxies) from the registry (6.0.3)
- ArGoSoft Mail Server password decoder 0.2 (argomailpwd)
decodes (simple base64) the password in the userdata.rec files of Mail Server freeware, Plus and Pro (
- Quick 'n Easy FTP Server passwords decoder 0.1 (qneftppwd)
decodes all the passwords in the file users.xml (2.3)
- ArGoSoft FTP Server passwords decoder 0.1 (argoftppwd)
decodes all the passwords in the file users.dat (
- Ipswitch Ws FTP client passwords decoder 0.1 (wsftppwd)
decodes all the INI files in the Sites folder of the Ws FTP client program (2004.06.17)
- IpSwitch Notification server passwords decoder 0.1.1 (intfypwd)
decodes all the password of any available user in the registry (1.01)
- IpSwitch Instant Messaging server passwords decoder 0.1.1a (iimspwd)
decodes all the password of any available account in the registry (
- IpSwitch Instant Messaging client last password decoder 0.1.1 (iimpwd)
decodes the last password stored in the registry (
- TotalSims games real-time login password decrypter 0.1 (totalsimspwd)
this program is a sniffer that is able to decrypt in real-time the data containing the username and password sent to the login server of the TotalSims games.
Some of the games that use this login method are Armored Assault, Dawn of Aces, Warbirds and many others (Win32 only) (needs Winpcap)
THIS is an offline version to use with dumped login data (information at runtime)
- Sony Station Launcher profile and packet password decoder 0.2 (lppwd)
decodes the passwords stored in the registry, or in the local account info.dat files (old Launchpad versions) or in the login UDP packet sent to (1.1.13)
- XIII profiles unpacker for account retrieving 0.1 (xiiipwd)
unzips the .pro files in the Save folder of the game containing the account information, if stored (tested only with the demo, so contact me if works also with the retail profiles) (demo)
- Uplink users and data.dat files decoder 0.1 (uplinkpwd)
decodes the users and data.dat files (1.31)
- Massive Assault Network password decoder 0.1 (manpwd)
decodes the profile2.bin file containing the password and other account information (1.2.211)
- Ventrilo password decoder 0.1.2 (ventrilopwd)
decodes all the passwords stored in ventrilo2.ini (the EncPass* passwords are hashes calculated using this algorithm, so they can't be decrypted).
It shows also if the password is or not a hash (latest versions of Ventrilo in fact use hashes and no longer plain-text passwords)
Works ONLY on the same machine where the password was stored and with the registry untouched (2.3.1)
- .cvspass decoder 0.1 (cvspwd)
a simple file and direct password decoder for .cvspass
- Time of Defiance password decoder 0.1.1 (todpwd)
decodes the stored password of this online game (2.14)
- Ozum project password shower and blacklist password decoder 0.1 (ozumpwd)
shows the projects passwords (.env files) and decrypts the Blacklist password in preference.ini (3.05)
- password decoder 0.1 (ubicompwd)
decodes the passwords stored in the profile files (GS4)
- Filezilla password decoder 0.1.1 (filezillapwd)
password decoder for the opensource client Filezilla (2.2.6)
- Internet Neighborhood password decoder 0.1 (inpwd)
you must manually get the encoded passwords from the registry (5.45)
- Imap Notify passwords decoder 0.1.1 (imapnpwd)
decodes all the passwords stored in the registry (1.04)
- Broker FTP users file decoder 0.1 (brokerftppwd)
decodes the file users.dat and shows it to the screen (6.2)
- AutoFTP passwords decoder 0.1 (autoftppwd)
decodes all the servers passwords stored in connect.ini and accounts.ini (4.1 premium)
- Poppy passwords decoder 0.1.1 (poppypwd)
decodes all the passwords stored in the registry (5.3.1)
- POP3 Easy password decoder 0.1 (popeasypwd)
simple password decoder (2.03)
- Pocomail passwords decoder 0.1 (pocopwd)
decodes all the servers passwords stored in Mailpeek.ini and accounts.ini (3.1)
- Gekus & Igori Mail Checker passwords decoder 0.1.1 (gimpwd)
shows all the information of the available accounts (in the registry) and naturally decodes their passwords (1.00)
- Mailpeek passwords decoder 0.1 (mpeekpwd)
decodes all the servers passwords stored in Mailpeek.ini and config.ini (0.97)
- Absolute FTP and SecureFX password decoder 0.1 (aftppwd)
this tool uses the algorithm used by all the programs developed by Vandyke as Absolute FTP and SecureFX (any)
- EBox passwords decoder 0.1 (eboxpwd)
decodes all the servers passwords stored in Accounts.ini (1.03)
- CheckP3 password decoder 0.1 (chkp3pwd)
decodes the password of this program (5.00)
- 32BitFtp passwords decoder 0.1 (32bitftppwd)
decodes all the servers passwords stored in 32BitFtp.ini (p99.66.1)
- Becky! Internet mail passwords decoder 0.1.1 (beckypwd)
decodes all the servers passwords stored in Mailbox.ini (2.11.02)
- YAMC passwords decoder 0.1 (yamcpwd)
decodes all the servers passwords stored in Mail.ini (devel snapshot)
- Vivian mail password decoder 0.2 (vivianpwd)
decodes the passwords stored in Accounts.vdb (3.27)
- Calypso mail mailbox file decoder 0.1 (calypsopwd)
this tool decodes the mailbox files and shows the information of the first account (if there are other accounts you must manually check them) (3.3)
- Serv-U admin servers passwords decoder 0.1.1 (servupwd)
decodes all the servers passwords stored in ServUAdmin.ini (6.0)
- Good FTP password decoder 0.1 (goodftppwd)
simple tool to decode the passwords stored in the binary file goodftp.lsd (you must get them manually)
- Delphino QuickFTP passwords decoder 0.1.1 (qftppwd)
decodes all the passwords (accounts and proxy) stored in the registry (1.3)
- Eric's Telnet 98 password decoder 0.1 (t98pwd)
decodes the password stored in UserData\User\.config (9.0)
- DNS4ME Client proxy password decoder 0.1.1 (dns4mepwd)
it simply decodes the socks proxy password stored by this program. It seems to be the only encoded data stored by this program... (
- AllegroSurf login and servers passwords decoder 0.1.1 (allegropwd)
decodes any password stored in the registry (login and servers) by the program AllegroSurf (6.0)
- Gamespy Arcade password decoder 0.1 (gsapwd)
decodes the password stored in Profiles\ID\settings.cfg (14d)
- FTP Navigator passwords decoder 0.1 (ftpnavpwd)
decodes the passwords stored in ftplist.txt (7.2)
- Eudora (tested 6.0) passwords decoder 0.1 (eudorapwd)
decodes the password stored in Eudora.ini (6.0)
- Gore cd-key decoder 0.1.1 (gorekey)
decodes the cd-key of the game Gore stored in the registry
- RemotePad passwords decoder 0.1 (rpadpwd)
decodes all the passwords in remotepad.ini (2001-10-16)
- Spasm passwords decoder 0.1 (spasmpwd)
decodes all the passwords in Accounts.txt (1.0)
- Phoenix mail passwords decoder 0.1 (phmailpwd)
decodes all the passwords in Account.ini of the opensource program Phoenix (0.93)
- Pimmy passwords decoder 0.1 (pimmypwd)
decodes all the passwords in Pimmy.cfg (3.5)
- i.Scribe passwords decoder 0.1 (scribepwd)
decodes all the passwords in scribe.r (1.87)
- Foxmail passwords decoder 0.1 (foxpwd)
decodes all the passwords in Account.stg (5.0)
- FlashFXP passwords decoder 0.2 (fxppwd)
decodes all the passwords in Sites.dat, quick.dat and the others (3.77)
does not support the master password.
- Enternet passwords decoder 0.1 (enterpwd)
decodes all the passwords stored in the file EnterNet.ini created by Enternet (the program for DSL lines) (1.5c)
- CuteFTP data retriever and password decoder 0.2.1 (cutedata)
this tool shows all the information stored in the file sm.dat of CuteFtp and decodes all the passwords (a simple XOR 0xc8) (9.3)
- FTP Control password decoder 0.1 (fctrlpwd)
useful password decoder for Transoft's FTP Control (4.5)
- CoffeeCup FTP profiles collector and decoder 0.1.1 (coffee-regdump)
good tool, it retrieves all the data stored in the registry for CoffeeCup FTP and automatically decodes the stored passwords (also that of the Proxy) (6.1)
- Bullet Proof FTP bpftp.dat file decoder 0.1a (bpftpdat)
decodes any bpftp.dat file in the sites folder (2.45)
- Bullet Proof FTP default password decoder 0.1 (bppwd)
decodes only the default password stored in Default.bps (2.43)
- FTP Voyager passwords decoder 0.1 (ftpvoypwd)
Nice tool that retrieves any information and automatically decodes all the passwords stored in the file FTPVoyager.ftp and writes all the data in the file FTPVoyager-pwd.txt (11.0)
- Advanced Email Checker passwords decoder 0.1 (echkpwd)
reads data and decodes the passwords stored in eclib.ini (1.5)
- IPalt alternate number calculator and retriever 0.1 (ipaltcalc)
number calculator and retriever for IPalt
- nPOP saved password encoder/decoder 0.1 (npoppwd)
although the nPOP mail client is opensource this handy utility can be useful to quickly encode and decode passwords (1.01)
- JBMail saved password encoder/decoder 0.1 (jbmailpwd)
encodes and decodes the password saved by this mail client (3.2)
- TinMessenger C6 password decoder 0.1 (c6pwd)
(italian) poche righe di codice per decodificare le password salvate dal programma C6 (4.5)
- Ultrafunk Popcorn passwords decoder 0.1 (popcornpwd)
automatically retrieves all the information and plain-text password from popcorn.ini if no arguments are given, otherwise decodes the first command-line argument (1.68)
- Quicken 6/'98 data file: reset of all passwords 0.1 (q6nopwd)
it sets to 0 the 12 bytes starting at offset 0x1444 of Intuit Quicken '98 data files so user can use them without to know the password "protecting" the file and the operations