Luigi Auriemma [PGP]

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a blog? a diary? an abort of my mind? nobody knows...

08 Dec 2005
A feedback from a person inside Gamespy
I don't know if being idiot is a requirement to join Gamespy but the
following story shows a different (and scary) view of a part of this
company: from an almost admin in the helpers group.
The link is the following:
In short this is the story of one of the Gamespy Arcade users
becomed later an "helper/admin" which says many things about how
these people handle their users, ignore them and ban anyone they want
without reasons.
The most interesting part of the story in fact is just in those lines
where is explained what helpers and admins must say and moreover must
not say to other users...
I think people (with a brain naturally) already boycott Gamespy but
it's ever a good thing to show that the situation is ever the same.

news: ...7 8 9...